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Everything posted by johnny5

  1. That's how you do it. Take it one minute/hour/day at a time. Don't worry about later. Just focus on staying smoke free this moment. With time, things get easier. And do not give in. Quitting is very doable as the people on this site can attest. And life as a nonsmoker is definitely worth it.
  2. You are doing the right thing by quitting smoking @Layla Stick close to this site. There is help and support here for you.
  3. Welcome aboard, Layla. Quitting smoking may seem like a tough thing to do but it is definitely a great thing and worth any early struggles. Education about nicotine addiction and support from fellow quitters helped me in quitting for good. You can find plenty of support and knowledge at this site. Read up on nicotine addiction and feel free to reach out with questions or if you are struggling. We all have been where you are and quitting smoking is definitely doable. It is good to have you here.
  4. Congratulations on 3 weeks smoke free, Steven. I'm sorry for all of the difficult things you have had to deal with but you had no control over that. You do have control over your quit and are doing great. Keep up the awesome work.
  5. Congratulations on 2 years smoke free, @MLMR That is awesome!
  6. That's awesome, Kate! Congratulations! You are doing great!
  7. NOPE!
  8. johnny5

    Two Storms

    Stay safe, @Sazerac
  9. I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling but things do get better and easier with time. Just keep fighting. Nothing is worth lighting back up over. You are doing a great thing by quitting smoking. Many current smokers wish they could quit but tell themselves that they can't. You, however, are quitting. It can be tough early on but it is very doable. Keep the quit.
  10. johnny5

    Two Storms

    I've been following these storms. It is rare for two storms to hit this closely at the same time. Last time it happened in the Gulf was in the 1930's (according to the Weather Channel). Stay safe @Sazerac and others in these storms' paths.
  11. Keep up the great work, Up In Smoke. It might not feel this way but you are doing great. It can be a struggle early on but it is worth it in the long term.
  12. Congratulations on 1 year smoke free @mightyboosh This is a huge accomplishment. I hope you do something big to celebrate today.
  13. You are doing great, Linda. Things will get better with time and it is definitely worth the early struggles. Keep up the awesome work.
  14. NOPE is right. Nothing is worth smoking over. Congratulations on your new job. Do something positive to celebrate this event. A new job and a new life smoke free are great things.
  15. Nope
  16. Nope
  17. Congratulations on 1 year smoke free, @ekptr Celebrate big today!
  18. NOPE - Smoking sucks!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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