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Everything posted by johnny5

  1. Nope!
  2. NOPE!
  3. Welcome aboard, @Margeetx You are making a great decision in quitting smoking. Keep reading up on nicotine addiction and post often (it does help). There is a lot of support and knowledge you can gain here. It is great to have you here.
  4. Nope
  5. Congratulations on 5 years smoke free, @Cbdave Thanks for all the support you continue to provide here.
  6. Switching from one great guitarist to a couple of other greats
  7. I had a few quit attempts before I quit for good. Those relapses from those attempts often started with thoughts of going to a particular convenience store to buy smokes and light up. I did cave in on several occasions prior to quitting for good and I HATED what I did by buying cigarettes and lighting up. Going out to get one of those relapse cigarettes may have seemed to me like it wouldn't have mattered or not but believe me, I HATED it when I lit up that cigarette and smoked. And, I was hooked again to keep smoking until I dared trying to quit again. Keep the quit. It may seem tempting but lighting up a cigarette again will only make things a whole lot worse.
  8. NOPE!
  9. Congratulations on 7 years smoke free, MQ!
  10. Rest in Peace, Eddie Van Halen.
  11. Welcome to QuitTrain @TracieP Congratulations on 7 days smoke free.
  12. Nope
  13. Nope!
  14. Congratulations on half a year smoke free, Mac! You are doing great!
  15. Welcome to the site, Amyen. You care doing a great thing with quitting smoking. I made it a point to try to focus on positive changes I was noticing as my quit progressed instead of dwelling over what I felt I was missing by not smoking. With time, you will see that you are really not missing anything good by quitting smoking. Everything that comes with smoking is bad, whether it be diseases (which there are many), the financial cost, missing out on things by always ducking out for a smoke break, that horrible smell, etc. etc. etc. Everything that comes with quitting is positive. You will notice many great changes the longer you go smoke free. It may be rough early on but it is worth the freedom you gain by quitting for good.
  16. NOPE!
  17. Seeking education about nicotine addiction and support from other quitters is a great way to start. I had a number of short quit attempts until I found a quit smoking online support group similar to this. Stick around and read about the addiction. Reach out if you need help. Also, I will not get into whether or not you "love smoking." I'll just say that I thought I loved it too but once I started seeing benefits to quitting, I began to realize that I just kept craving that next nicotine fix because I was addicted to it, like Doreen said above. I thought I found smoking enjoyable back then but I definitely find nothing appealing about it now. It is great that you want to quit. Quitting is very doable, as the other members of this board can attest. Quitting for good is a truly great thing.
  18. Congratulations @idontsmoke You are doing great!
  19. NOPE!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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