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Everything posted by johnny5

  1. NOPE!
  2. NOPE!
  3. That's awesome @IQ4me Congratulations on a great quit!
  4. Welcome @Lawrence You will be doing a great thing by quitting smoking. Stick around, there is a lot of support and knowledge you can gain here.
  5. I'm Johnny and I live in the Raleigh, NC area. I quit in November 2014 with the help of a site similar to this that shut down a couple of years ago. A number of people from that site are here now. I smoked for roughly 20 years. I picked up the habit (addiction) my freshman year in college. It was initially a social thing (buming a smoke during a party or hanging out with friends drinking beer) but it didn't take too long for me to start buying smokes on a regular basis and becoming a true addict. I never thought that would happen but it did happen rather quickly. Over time, I started feeling more and more sluggish, out of breath, coughing like crazy, downright sick, etc. I was ashamed of how I smelled around non-smokers in an increasing anti-smoking society, sick of the money I was spending on smoking, etc. I wanted to quit and made several attempts but failed each time. It wasn't until I joined an online support forum like this that I got the support and education that really helped me see that smoking was a lifestyle I truly needed to leave. Places like this, if you read up on nicotine addiction and reach out for help, really do help you quit for good. Also, other than QuitTrain, if a newer quitter hasn't read Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Quit Smoking," I highly recommend giving it a read. Some successful quitters didn't like the book but it helped put me into the mindset that smoking does nothing positive for you. The book might not make quitting easy but I do believe it helps a lot. PS, shrimp are great.
  6. NOPE - Not One Puff Ever Please pledge to not smoke, even if it one day at a time. Life is better without cigarettes.
  7. Congratulations Katgirl! You are doing awesome!
  8. There is no shame in asking for help. That is what this place is for. I had several attempts at quitting smoking before I quit for good. It took me joining a site like this and reaching out for help when I needed it that helped me quit for good. Please don't be embarrassed. This place is here to help people quit smoking and we understand what you are going through as we have gone through it as well. If you are struggling, come here and post, vent, etc. Do whatever you need as long as you don't smoke. I'm glad you are quitting again but the best thing is to remain quit. If you need help, come here and ask for it. We are here for you.
  9. That's awesome, Nana! Congratulations! Celebrate big today!
  10. Happy Birthday, Nancy!
  11. I know it can be tough but you are doing great fighting for this quit. Keep up the great work, it will get better with time.
  12. NOPE. I don't smoke anymore.
  13. Congratulations Ace. You are doing great!
  14. Congratulations Robbie. You are doing great!
  15. LOL. Cbdave is in Australia so it is probably June 6 over there already. Not sure where H2N is from but I guess we just go ahead and NOPE in advance.
  16. Congratulations on 5 years smoke free, G67. Great job!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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