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Everything posted by REZ

  1. Big test for yourself and you did excellent (except falling of the bar stool thing) You will probably make some new non smoking friends and might not see some smoking frirnds as much. Nice work on keeping your quit
  2. REZ

    This or That!

    Long hair McDonalds or Burger King
  3. Count me in NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  4. After 6 months of quit, I have had only 3 small craves worth talking about. #1 was after drinking some Jack Daniels after work with some fellow workers. #2 was after finding a unopened pack of smokes in my truck. #3 was after shopping in a department store. All three times I was lucky enough to have the same person there for support! Looking at each of them, they were all started by different triggers. #1 was obviously alcohol, my opinion one of the most powerful triggers! #2 was by being in the presence of cigarettes, a who's going to know triggerI #3 was a little unexpected because it came out of no where, letting your gaurd down trigger! I have learned always expect the unexpected and watchout for the favorable conditions crave. But I still have not had a smoking dream yet. Just wondering how many of you remember your cravings?
  5. REZ

    This or That!

    Map stick shift or automatic
  6. Congratulations Julie! 3 months is awesome!
  7. Congrats Rob!
  8. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Wow! Where did this come from? :o
  10. REZ

    This or That!

    Well I would rather be short and loose, that's just the way my boys roll! Tent or Camper
  11. REZ


    Dang it, I can relate to that! Stupid real world anyway!
  12. Congratulations Action! oops I did a double post! My bad! I will get you your own key to the executive bathroom!
  13. Congratulations and keep them pearly whites clean!
  14. Congrats Jonny! Not an easy road! 2 vises are twice as hard and requires twice the effort! Keep on keeping on!
  15. Congratulations and sorry I'm late! 10 months is no easy task!
  16. Congratulations for you being quit yourself Sarah!! You seem to keep things jumping around here and that is good! Best of luck to you!
  17. Happy Birthday but I'm not sing it, I'm told I have a bad singing voice!!!!!
  18. Nice job Comrade!!!!!! 3 months is a solid start!!!!!!
  19. Paul, Awesome job buddy, keep it up! Congratulations on 9 months!
  20. Cristina, You are Awesome!!!!!! Congratulations on 10 months!!!!!!!
  21. Yay, take your pick my friend!
  22. Action, you are just sucking up to get that corner office with its own bathroom! Thanks buddy again!!
  23. Nothing shaddy about this Kat! Congratulations!
  24. Crazy 8's Congratulations!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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