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Everything posted by REZ

  1. REZ

    ***New Game*** TPBM

    Yes :huh: TPBM is getting gray hair
  2. REZ

    chicks or sticks

  3. Sex :P
  4. Have a great time as a non smoker and remember: "know when to hold them know when to fold them" as Kenny would say!
  5. REZ

    chicks or sticks

  6. REZ

    10 Word Story Thread

    at the time but now that i'm older and wiser .....
  7. junk
  8. Naughty B)
  9. REZ

    ***New Game*** TPBM

    False! TPBM has been struck by lighting :o
  10. Holly 11 months batman! The cape crusader is almost there!
  11. Thirteen is a lucky number for you DD! Happy to see this!
  12. REZ

    This or That game

    Turkey is fine my me! Rain storm or Snow storm
  13. You can say I fart ;) BUT I'm not old! ;)
  14. You and your Tony are in my prayers! Wishing only the best for Tony's results! Your friends here are by your side xx
  15. This is our Buddy the dog proof Christmas tree! Being he is just over a year old and gets in to everything left out and chews it, can not leave him in same room with tree at this point so on the balcony it goes. Plastic shatter proof ornaments and battery operated lights just in case he gets his teeth on them and it is anchored to the railing so the wind doesn't blow it over! Now just got to watch him so he doesn't wee on it! lol
  16. Do not be down on yourself to much. Everybody has tried to quit and failed at least a few times, myself hundreds of times if not thousands. You are not a coward! The nicotine monster is strong and will do everything in its power to trick you. You have the knowledge and will power inside of you to quit and the nicotine monster know it, so its trying everything it can in to tricking you to smoking again! Each time you say no to a cigarette you have punched that monster square in the face and have taken one more step towards freedom! Those steps add up to hours, days, weeks, and months! So please get up, dust yourself off and get your fists up to do battle, you will win! We are all behind you!
  17. Big ooops! Congratulations on 10 1/2 months! Carry on, that is all!
  18. Ooops! Congratulations on 9 1/2 months! Very well done!
  19. I joined the forum a couple of days after quitting and it did make me think about smoking and I was worried if it will keep smoking in the front and center of my brain. Well it did for a couple of days but the excitement of quitting and meeting new people going through the same thing as I and the games soon overtook that feeling. What really was good for me and helped me to solidify my quit was helping other on the board when they were having problems. You just need to stay a little closer to the board and if you are thinking about taking a puff, maybe read a post or two on the SOS threads. Best of luck to you!
  20. Wow, Instead of sleep walking, I must be sleep rocking! One of my many hidden talents I guess!
  21. Joe, I think you have started a new tradition for us, sounds fun! :)
  22. Congratulations to Tracey for 1 year of being smoke free!!! Tracey, you have had one hell of a journey and we have have one hell of a time with you! You have proven to yourself and everyone here that you can do anything you put your mind to! Your quit has had its up and downs, but you made it and you made it with style, determination, laughter, multiple avatars, smiles, tears, and with a sense of humor that only you possess thanks to your dad! You play it forward by helping anybody and everybody! We are all so proud of you and very happy that you took your life back and I am very honored to be your quit buddy! You did it sweetie! :good3: I can speak for everybody here when I say: This place would not be the same without you!!!! Now everybody is here! We have lots of wine! and a very big boat! so Take your seat on the Lido deck and lets PARTY!!! :lol2: :music: :girl_dance:
  23. REZ

    chicks or sticks

  24. REZ

    chicks or sticks

    Nice finish stu!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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