Hi Glo. Welcome to our little Quit Train. There is a ton of information available to you to help you quit. Check out the newbie package, it really is good reading. As everyone else says, how you choose to quit us personal choice though we can all add our opinions.
When it comes down to it, there are 2 elements to a quit.
1) the physical addiction to nicotine
2) the mental addiction - the habit.
Well, however you look st it, you are always going to have to go through number 1 eventually whether you postpone it by using patches, inhalators e-cigs etc. Eventually, you will go cold turkey anyway. I personally am an advocate for cold turkey because that's what worked for me. Also, to add just my thoughts on ecigs. I tried em once but I didn't quit, I just used them to alternate when I smoked. I found I used them more because I could skip it in my bag and have one everywhere. If you are regularly going long periods of time without then why do something to increase your nicotine use?
Now the mental addiction... Well that's a different game. I think eventually every successful quitter has something 'click' in their mind they realise it's pretty easy on one level. Simply don't smoke. Smoking literally has no positives and numerous negatives. But this really only comes with education and it has to be learned by you. We can offer guidance and support and be a much needed sound board but you have to 'make the quit your own' so to speak.
I wish you every success in your quit and look forward to helping, supporting and guiding wherever you may ask for it. In the meantime, read, read, read and adopt a positive attitude. Try to change every crave into a positive and you will be most the way there. Happy quitting!!