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Everything posted by PorkandPancakes

  1. -5
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  5. I was reading a post on another forum about someone going to the shop they used to buy cigs from and NOT having a trigger or crave for the first time. It got me thinking about my own quit and I still don't think I've been up to a counter to pay for anything without my brain at least flickering the word 'cigarettes' through my mind. I don't gaze at the products or spend any time on it but there is still the echo or memory. It got me wondering what your last persistent trigger is? And how long until mine goes I wonder. Do you think I will ever approach a till without thinking of the cigarettes I used to buy? Don't misunderstand, it isn't a yearn or crave but merely a distraction or passing thought as I approach. The brain triggering a memory. Strange though.
  6. -6
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  9. Oh damn. Seems that Boo is back in the game. Aren't you busy Boo? -4
  10. -10
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  18. It is my understanding that there is no scientific evidence that acupuncture and/or pressure points work to alleviate symptoms though plenty of anecdotal evidence. I don't know enough to argue either way and if EFT is a method that helped you then why not? Where I personally have a problem is that EFT is, at best, just another support tool. Another method to aid us but in the end it comes down to the same thing. There is no magic pill. Eventually every successful quitter will realise smoking has nothing to offer and we CHOOSE not to smoke. We haven't all just 'shelved our issues' nor are we all struggling along because we didn't use EFT. Many of us are happy successful quitters and many more are working their own way to get there. If you wish to promote EFT as a useful aid, another tool in the kit, so to speak, then I am all for that. I will never agree however that it is THE ANSWER to quitting. The key to quitting forever truly is as simple as NTAP. Never take another puff. Our attitude, our desires etc will catch up with that way of thinking soon enough.
  19. -20!!!! Arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!! My work here is done...
  20. -18

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