If I may add to the already fabulous advice you have received...?
There is not a person on this board that hasn't travelled your road, walked in your shoes, felt the urges you had. Some suffer terribly and others have comparatively skipped along. But all of us smoked. We all hated the habit. Hated what it did to us and more importantly thought we couldn't quit. Felt the fear of quitting. Loved the 'ahh' moment.
However, the thing you will see on the successful quitters is the realisation that smoking literally brings nothing to you. It comes to us all eventually but at different rates. Ask yourself how you could tackle a crave differently? Can you shut down the thoughts? What keeps you wanting cigarettes?
That said though, I confess to at least 3 occasions where I drank too much and fought with myself not to smoke. I think the only reason I didn't is because I had never quit for more than a day before this and I was so stunned that I was successful I was terrified to lose that. Even through the alcohol fog. Indeed, 8 months later I STILL find I look at cigs and think of cigs more after alcohol. It just gets easier to not smoke. Where it is hard for you is that you are delaying that process. By smoking herbal cigs, taking the gum etc you keep smoking on the table. Just at the far edge but it's still there. We see this because we lived it and we want to help you. You are correct that you know yourself best but sometimes people see on the outside what it's hard to see within. Hard to see the forest for the trees, so to speak.
As Doreen says, many roads lead to Rome and if you want this, you will get to Rome. Even if you have to crawl in on your hands and knees. But if you were running a marathon you would listen to advice from the other experienced runners. You would 'seek reviews' on products and processes to improve your times. We offer the same to help you get to your goal. You don't have to take it or even like it but please understand it is offered with the best best of intentions.
keep on quitting, you're doing well.