Hi to everyone. Nice to meet you all. Sorry for the typos, I type on my iPad so sometimes make errors without realising it.
EVelyn, you are so right. I'm doing really well, I'm not struggling and tearing my hair out. I'm not grumpy and stomping round the house like I thought I would be. However, I just get this tiny little voice....."maybe when I'm completely quit, I can have the odd one" and "surely one won't undo everything". I have colleagues at work that never smoke, 1 hasn't ever been a smoker, 1 gave up a couple of years ago but sometimes, they would smoke with me. I would point out the lunacy of smoking when you don't have to but they would insist anyway. Then happily go home and smoke nothing for a week, then come to work and smoke with me again. It's soooooo STUPID but I wanted to be like them! I want my cake and eat it.
However, this is my tiny inner dialogue which I am ignoring. I slept much better last night. I feel much better. I had to run a fitness test on day 3 and I think I felt a teeny tiny bit better doing it than when I was a smoker. Just having no carbon monoxide in my blood was a help. I'm going to love this. I have dreamt of lungs that would respond to exercise without me feeling like I may die any second Now!
So, day 4......keep on keeping on (KOKO)
And a little about me as requested.....I'm a mother of 2, smoked for 23 years. Am now 34. Have tried to quit a few times but never really significantly. Have dabbled with NRT in patches, inhalator, spray, ecigs. This time cold turkey and good old knowledge is power. I work weird shifts, sometimes night ones, sometimes day ones. I work full time. I have a very supportive other half and he has quit also. Without the app or anything else. I'm in awe of him (though he went to the pub on his day 2 and had three puffs). He says it was awful and he won't smoke again. I say it's his quit, not mine and I never would force him to quit cos I am. Watch this space! Anyway, I could waffle all day!