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Everything posted by PorkandPancakes

  1. Bakon, me too. I work days, lates, nights....it's all over the show!
  2. Oh dear. Typos creeping in cos I am working a night shift and feeling super sleepy. I have a good feeling, not a geeling. I'm not sure what a geeling even is!! I'm Mindful that I should NOT get complacent. Not that I should....!
  3. Hmmm, mindfulness. I like that word. it is indeed a better replacement to cig breaks. Thank you for the nice words (beams cos bumblebee has a good feeling about me). I think I have a good geeling too. But I'm mindful (trying this already see?) that I should get complacent. For me, my mum was a smoker for 20 odd years, then she quit in her mid thirties. I don't remember my mum smoking. She is nearly 70 now and I bet everyone that met her or knows her thinks of her as a 'never-smoker'. I secretly hope her body treats her that way too. And with that in mind, it's not too late for me either. This quit, my quit, my only quit, will see me old, happy healthy. That's my dream.
  4. Bumbleb, you are indeed correct. The stars and sea will still be there and I will still get to sneak a peak at them on night shifts when it's quiet. It's funny how non-smokers don't take 'five minute breaks' so they don't stop and look. or maybe that's just my perception? I think I'll be a non smoker that still stops to look. Only now because I want to instead of because I need to. I still don't think the reality of quitting has quite sunk in. It really caught me off guard because I never really believed I would quit. I certainly didn't start Monday morning planning to. It just sort of happened. And now I'm invested in it! How long have you been quit Bumblb and Nancy? Are you both veterans?
  5. So I'm here, at work. Been driving round with my crew partner. He's asleep. I'm the driver. I'd like a cigarette. To break up the monotony. To smoke while I watch the stars and listen to the night. To indulge in whilst I listen to the waves on the coast that I can't see coz it's dark. Yep, night shifts are hard. Everyone at work went outside for a smoke earlier. Including one colleague who doesn't smoke! I stayed back. It felt odd but ok. Funny how things turn. So I won't smoke tonight (mostly cos I don't want to but also, I have no tobacco!). And I'll keep ignoring the voice telling me to drive to the 24hr garage. Because that's stupid. And I am not.
  6. Because the yeti stole his slippers Why did the hippo cross the road?
  7. Well hello Joe Nice to meet you too. Yes, the name is a bit 'eye roll' worthy, isn't it? Sorry but I was lost for inspiration coming up with a username and smokinghot came to mind. I'm anything but, more like chubby, greying, with smokers wrinkles and no tact. But hey, it's the internet right where I get to pretend I'm different!? I'd never be overconfident and say I've 'got a handle on this' but I do seem to be doing ok at the minute. I have been stalking the forum and using the tools I have available including the app which has genuinely been invaluable. It's like carrying Allen Carr or any other smoking myth buster in your pocket which is bloody helpful when you need a dose of reality to counteract the nicoterrorist. However, this is day 5 so I'm a long long way from my brain fully accepting 'non-smoker' as a title. I long for the day when my first waking thought isn't 'smoke'. The Second night of quitting I lay there for literally hours thinking of quitting and smoking and all sorts of smoke related things. Eventually I realised I'd spent 6 solid hours thinking of nicotine and absolutely zero minutes considering or thinking of my children. That was a reality check! Am pleased to say at least the insomnia has passed.
  8. Afternoon all. Well into Day 5, still smoke free. Last night I worked a night shift, strangely the early hours were tough. I guess my normal defences were down and I really started to let the nicoterrorist in. The app on my phone has some video coaching and short 'SOS' clips. I had to remove myself and watch one. Give myself a talking to. Ask myself what smoking ever actually did for me, then carry on. On the plus side, I live in rural land and there's no easy way to buy cigarettes at 3am! So, onwards and upwards. Bakon - Fried spam sandwich, hey? I prefer bacon myself....;-)
  9. I'm Just in awe of everybody's emojis!
  10. Hi to everyone. Nice to meet you all. Sorry for the typos, I type on my iPad so sometimes make errors without realising it. EVelyn, you are so right. I'm doing really well, I'm not struggling and tearing my hair out. I'm not grumpy and stomping round the house like I thought I would be. However, I just get this tiny little voice....."maybe when I'm completely quit, I can have the odd one" and "surely one won't undo everything". I have colleagues at work that never smoke, 1 hasn't ever been a smoker, 1 gave up a couple of years ago but sometimes, they would smoke with me. I would point out the lunacy of smoking when you don't have to but they would insist anyway. Then happily go home and smoke nothing for a week, then come to work and smoke with me again. It's soooooo STUPID but I wanted to be like them! I want my cake and eat it. However, this is my tiny inner dialogue which I am ignoring. I slept much better last night. I feel much better. I had to run a fitness test on day 3 and I think I felt a teeny tiny bit better doing it than when I was a smoker. Just having no carbon monoxide in my blood was a help. I'm going to love this. I have dreamt of lungs that would respond to exercise without me feeling like I may die any second Now! So, day 4......keep on keeping on (KOKO) And a little about me as requested.....I'm a mother of 2, smoked for 23 years. Am now 34. Have tried to quit a few times but never really significantly. Have dabbled with NRT in patches, inhalator, spray, ecigs. This time cold turkey and good old knowledge is power. I work weird shifts, sometimes night ones, sometimes day ones. I work full time. I have a very supportive other half and he has quit also. Without the app or anything else. I'm in awe of him (though he went to the pub on his day 2 and had three puffs). He says it was awful and he won't smoke again. I say it's his quit, not mine and I never would force him to quit cos I am. Watch this space! Anyway, I could waffle all day!
  11. Lol. You're so right. My keyboard must have mistyped....
  12. Tia, I bel Jason Vale (AKA the Juiceman) is from the Allen CARR school of training where there basically break down the myths we surround ourselves with to justify smoking. I think a lot of quitters on here are familiar with a lot of the methods.
  13. Aha. I did wonder why I got no responses. I'm Genuine. And I really am on Day 3. And it really has been going well...... But tonight I feel little thoughts creeping back in. I keep getting those 'bargaining' type thoughts. So far I am not acting on it. But I am eating a choc ice at 1 in the morning! Nice to meet you both. Thank you for taking the time to say hi.
  14. Lie; I like smoking Truth; I was permanently ashamed that I couldn't quit this nasty habit. Sometimes I smoked so much I felt sick
  15. Hi all. So I'm on day 3 and just thought I'd pop in to say hi. Have to be honest that the App has been amazing for me. Something just clicked as I listened to it and I haven't really struggled too much with cravings at all. The nicotine is now out of my system so I'm not getting the physical 'craves'. For me the hardest part is sleeping. I haven't had a full nights sleep since this started. I wake up every hour without fail. After the fourth time, I then struggle to fall back asleep. I wasn't prepared for that at all. And I think about it a lot. I read about it. I stalk forums. I'm just so astounded that I've quit. It was very unexpected. I guess after 23 years I almost thought it would always be. Anyway, I could obviously talk about this for hours so that's it for now. Just 'hi'!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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