You all know it. That horrible feeling. That moment you extinguish your cigarette, knowing you're entering a 'no-smoking' zone. How long will it take? When can I smoke? Are they strict or can I sneak off for one?
As you will know I went to a gig at the O2 in London a few days ago. The support band were due on stage at 7.30pm. At around 6pm, we crossed through the public area into the 'ticket only' zone. It was only five minutes after we were through that I picked up on the automated voice blaring through the tannoys....."...PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A NO SMOKING AREA. SMOKING IS NOT PERMITTED WITHIN THE O2 ARENA. ONCE YOU LEAVE THE ARENA, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED RE-ENTRY...."
Now, I've been quit six months but I swear, for about 3 seconds, until I remembered, I literally panicked. I calculated in those 3 seconds that it would potentially be 5 hours until I smoked another cigarette. I knew I would have considered leaving the gig early or not even staying, just to get a nicotine fix. And I would have told myself it was 'too loud' or that I felt unwell or I was too tired or dreamt up some other ridiculous excuse, just to smoke. Just to smoke. And this was my favourite band of all time. I was so excited to see them. But in that second before I remembered, I would have given it all away for a smoke. And I'm clear of nicotine and its daily pull on me.
I find it fascinating to think that the stress of quitting is in fact so much easier than the stress, every single day, of not quitting.