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Everything posted by PorkandPancakes

  1. -17 Perhaps if we whisper we won't be discovered!
  2. -15 While the boys are away....!
  3. -13
  4. -11
  5. -9
  6. Oh indigo. I'm not different to the other quitters here. We all get the same result in the end only our journeys are different. For you, it's a fact that your mum's cigs will remain on the table for you until you take them off. Your mum, as with all smokers, will not understand the importance of your quit and you can't rely on her to help you. The only person that can do this is you. And you don't want to smoke. So choose not to. Make a list of why you don't want to smoke. Then make one of the reasons you do. You shouldn't find much, if anything on the second list. Because there is literally NOT ONE REASON to smoke. There is not one single good thing about smoking. Take that thought. Hold onto that thought. Repeat it over and over and grow it into a big strong wall around your quit. And mostly, stop bloody smoking!!
  7. -7
  8. Indeed they do Doreen. I didn't even know that's where I was headed until I was. And I'm extremely happy about it.
  9. Hey Ican, how are you coping now?
  10. -5
  11. Wow this is an old post from my first fortnight of quitting. Funnily enough, I still have that box of tobacco though it is completely worthless now. I think it connects back to my Dad. He quit around 18 years ago and he kept a pack taped up in his car. Said he kept them so he knew they were there if he needed them. Like, take away the panic and fear of not having them and then you can concentrate on quitting. I don't know if that's right but it's what we both did. I always believed having the tobacco right there was irrelevant as many many people that quit are surrounded by smokes and smokers. It's about mindset and attitude. That said, I believe there was another alcohol heavy evening with a nearly blown quit before I managed to drink safely without smoking. Looking back at that night I remember the desire to be quit being stronger than the need to smoke for possibly the first time ever in my life. That was possibly one of the defining moments in my quit. I drank and I didn't smoke. Not because I had no way of doing it but because I chose not to (course, I acted like an ass too but still!) It's good to look back sometimes, to see how far you've come!
  12. -5
  13. Possibly some differences between your inch and my inch though!
  14. -5
  15. 1 Hey there old boy.
  16. Nil
  17. .0.
  18. Fishing
  19. Zero
  20. Blue You don't answer what you are doing to help yourself? You have had loads of advice and suggestions on how to get through this. Your statuses sound full of panic which is not a symptom so much of quitting as it is of anxiety. How do you normally deal with anxiety? What are your usual mechanisms for coping? Quitting smoking is hard but it shouldn't be this tough. I will say to you again that you need to breathe, read, distract and educate. I hope you decide to stick with this quit and if you do, may I suggest that you post on the 'quit smoking' main board as this is just a place for the daily NOPE pledge? Hoping you find a way to calm and quit.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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