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Everything posted by robert

  1. I will certainly pledge to be here as often as I normally am. :P
  2. Hmmm .. it seems to me that the only thing that you haven't tried is to NOT SMOKE. When you are ready to commit to the decision to never smoke again, no matter what happens, you will succeed. I don't envy where you are right now, but there is a way out if you choose to follow the NOPE path.
  3. Tiffany's truth by Tiffany .... 1. I enjoy smoking. The truth is: I don't enjoy not smoking. I hate the withdrawals. I don't know what to do without a cigarette. It's a crutch. It has been by my side for so long that I feel lost without it. 2. I can't handle stress without a cigarette in my mouth. The truth is: I'm adding to the stress. The only thing a cigarette does is give me a few minutes to think. I can still think without the cigarette. I am truly shocked by this one. 3. I don't want to quit. The truth is: I do. I just don't want to go through the struggle that I have to go through, that I NEED to go through to become a non smoker. 4. I can always quit again tomorrow. The truth is: I never quit. Tomorrow never comes and the damage is still being done. 5. Smoking keeps me calm. The truth is: I'm a hyper little thing. I havent' been "calm" in years. 6. Smoking will not damage me like it does everyone else. The truth is: I'm not that damn special. Cigarettes show no mercy on anyone. And I am not exempt. 7. Some of my best times were with a cigarette. The truth is: I need to make more best times. And the fact is, those times are still good. It was the people I was with, the atmosphere I was in.... not the cigarette hanging out of my mouth that made the times so good. 8. and this is the big one...... smoking makes me happy. The truth: this is got to be the saddest thought I could ever think. Really ??? a cigarette makes me happy ? I really have to buy a pack of 20 little cancer filled tubes, stick them in my mouth, and inhale them to be happy ? The fact is I can be happy when I decide to be happy. I need nothing or anyone to do that for me. I am the one that does that for myself. Maybe Tiffany should listen to Tiffany :)
  4. robert

    chicks or sticks

  5. robert

    chicks or sticks

  6. Most definitely worth the watch .. thanks frez.
  7. It seems to me that it will only be okay when/if you stop smoking.
  8. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I haven't been here in a coon's age. I'm continuing to take the quit one day at a time and haven't had any issues worth mentioning. Hope that everyone is doing well with their quits. Cheers.
  9. There seems to be a group of folks who suffer for long periods of time with the "constant battle" against thoughts of smoking. Some seem to get over this battle after much suffering, while others give up and relapse. I suspect that the Chantrix is only helping because you believe that is helping -- the power of the mind. The nicotine receptors in your brain have likely long since normalized, and Chantrix will no longer help physically. I would think that thoughts of smoking will be with us forever, albeit less and less over time. You have a choice -- you can constantly do battle with the thoughts or you can train yourself to accept these thoughts and simply let them go. Anyone can learn to observe their thoughts without acting on them. Like anything else it takes time and practice. Best wishes.
  10. Welcome Chrysalis. Congrats on your almost 5 months quit. :)
  11. All is well and the quit is strong -- thank you for asking. Hope that all is going as you would like.
  12. robert


    1000 days ... a PhD in easy-peasyology.
  13. Please excuse me if this is too simple a question for an experienced gardener such as yourself, but I was wondering if the Pawpaw seeds received enough chilling to break the germination locks? Best of luck with growing Pawpaw -- custard fruit is sooooo good.
  14. Hi NayNay. I hope that all goes well here.
  15. Here's another very effective exercise. (one of my favorites) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rhle7RXpzE The idea is pull the band apart at the same time you are doing the face pull. While not hard on the wrists, this exercise can be a little hard on the hands.
  16. Hi Colleen, I'm new here, but am not new to suspension training. TRX/suspension training is totally worth the time if you enjoy it. TRX provides an excellent full body workout which is very core-centric. It is both strength training and cardio. (the cardio is interval training) As TRX allows a lot of freedom of movement, it a very good way to exercise many hard to activate stablizer muscles. I hope this was of some help.
  17. Hi Action, Could you add me to the train? Strangely enough I have the same quit date as you. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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