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Everything posted by Abby

  1. Abby

    chicks or sticks

    -4 Waving hi this morning 2U2
  2. I don't know I had any craves for other foods , I just love food in general lol but you made me think of something I heard was good for smoking craves . I was told if you eat a pickle it will help . Makes sense to me . I love pickles .
  3. Thanks @d2e8b8 I am looking forward to the fifteen year one even more Here's an outline of the benefits from quitting year by year ., https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/tobacco-health-benefits-of-smoking-cessation
  4. Kris , I am amazed at the things you've overcome to be honest and proud of you for not giving up . I feel in my bones your going to do well with this quit . Sometimes it's those hard things that makes our quits easier . I never quit smoking until it was my last resort . An undiagnosed rare illness . I filled out my will that year , ten years ago . Not long after I put out my last cig I got a call from the dr with a diagnosis . He'd seen it in another country and had a hunch . Ten years I searched for the answer , I almost gave up . I owe my quit to two ladies on that journey to discovery from many many hospital visits . They helped me quit and don't know it . One was a lady who had facial reconstruction due to smoking who begged me to quit and the another a lady on oxygen still smoking begging me for a cigarette .
  5. Thank you @Doreensfree all the best in the future for you as well . Thank you for being part of the journey . You gave me food for thought . -------------------- No one knows how long forever is . Forever when I quit used to scare me . Quit forever .. oh the thought of never having another smoke ! OMG s.c.a.r.y . I don't give credit where credit isn't due . Smoking is what it is , it sucks ! I gave smoking waaay too much power and credit . Being free "forever " be it one day now or blessed with another ten years I am thankful for forever and to all those who encouraged me one day at a time . Forever is a beautiful word and I will be quit forever and grateful to all forever no matter how many days quit you made my quit possible . When in doubt I know where quit train is . I have no excuse to give away a quit ever ! When I started my quit and reason I quit was I thought I may not live another six months . Wow , here it is ten years later ! Don't underestimate everyone at quit train what quitting can do for you . It's truly miraculous !
  6. Abby

    Damm virus

    I think if people want to travel now more than likely two shots are better than one . All but 2 in my family are double dosed and as soon as able the others will be on the list . I can't wait for for that safety knowing my family is fully protected and we are protecting each other as well as people we don't know . Will it mean if there is another pandemic of a different kind will I take the shot , not likely will I , but I felt very safe doing so this time . I suppose people think one is suffice and that this will blow over but ... we are already talking here that we may have a resergance in the fall . Will it be a new strain , will one not be enough ? How long will the protection last .. I do hope people think , research then decide . Deciding something without education could be having to start all over.
  7. @jillar what can I say . It's obvious your heart is in helping others . Keep doing so , you rock ! Go out there girl . Teach the flock and enjoy every day cause you deserve it .
  8. @Boo you are not scary at all lol and you don't surprise me that you have such an awesome quit . You signed up , you sealed the deal and on top of that you delivered . Great job . Keep it up .
  9. @Rozuki thanks. One year at a time now ya hear .
  10. @Steven Drojensky you are doing great . I'm so proud of you . Just keep puttin one foot in front of the other . I've no doubt you are going to do this along with @Gus and all those yet to come , the two of you will be a huge help to others starting their quits .
  11. @Gus shucks , I'm going to miss you as well , but one thing I know is your going to make it . You will be thought of , trust me . I'm routing for ya .
  12. I responded to your other post . Please be careful if taking any sleep aids . There I hope are safer routes than this. My doctor explained to me the dangers of addictions and how they really mess up your head . Way over prescribed thinking no harm done and now they realize just how much harm they are causing after they got people hooked on them . I wake up at 4 most days , yes it's annoying but I still get enough sleep really . I'm not a day sleeper either . i hope you find something that will help , something safe .
  13. I'm sorry , getting insomnia ? Warm milk ? Counting sheep . You got me . I'm still looking for an answer as well but I had trouble sleeping long before quitting smoking. I hope better nights are ahead for you . Keep up the great job . Hopefully body and mind will adjust and you will sleep better soon.
  14. Lol guess so Thanks Sirius .
  15. Thankyou @Boo nd @Jillar . I'm looking forward to new beginnings and firsts In the real world now , not internet world . (Hmm cant make mention , it won't work this morning , sorry ) Anyone else doubt they would make to day three ? I gave up multiple day threes until I figured out a way that worked for me to get past and push through them . If I'm not mistaking nicotene leaves your system in three days.. let me go check . No idea if this is accurate but it is interesting . https://www.healthline.com/health/quit-smoking/how-long-does-nicotine-stay-in-your-system Anyway this worked for me Day 1 day 2 day 4 . Silly , but worked . You do what ya gotta do .
  16. Day 67 , 68, you are kicking butt . Gerd is common after you quit smoking as well and what is known as quitters flu in the early days . Putting the head of your bed up is helpful,as is eating nothing after six . Hope that helps .
  17. Did not see that one . That's cute and helpful .
  18. I'm still in awe ! Ten years quit ! I have not forgotten my first days . They were hard but the best days of my life , for without them I wouldn't be where I am today. I owe it to sites like these and people I'll remember forever .
  19. Congrats Robbie , way to go ! You sure are putting all the right stuff into your quit to make it successful . Good job .
  20. Good job ! Winner!
  21. So I have to ask what are the new addditions ? I've noticed a few in the last few hours .
  22. Nope works . I don't mean not one puff ever but just refusing to give in saying nope just for today I won't give in while this craving passes . Sometimes they come in waves , it's normal. You have not back tracked . You are still moving forward . They pass , I promise . Today will pass , tonight you'll be a winner and tomorrow is a new day Great job posting is right Let me tell me my true story today lol . I was craving today too . Not cigarettes yuk but ...... Twizzlers Whenever I go shopping I want junk and I know it's not good for me too . Calories = weight and weight means double the walk to get the calories off . Yes twizzlers are ok for some but not for MeV. One leads to the whole package . So , l was at Walmart ; had them in my cart ; went up to pay , and guess what ....?????? I put them in the " return to isle " basket . Put your craves and cigarette thoughts in the return to big T box car . It's the no thankyou I don't do that anymore car . Sit in the dome car it's the freedom car .. enjoy the view first class .
  23. Thanks for the motivation , pushing myself to go in this heat .. lots of water . catcha all tomorrow .
  24. Hi @Graciegirlva Hi , welcome to quit train . We have couple newcomers today I noticed , that's great . Having someone to walk through the journey together is wonderful support . We are all in different stages of our quits and I found in my own journey that that was so helpful . I know you will too . Ya I know we always find excuses to smoke . I was the same . Always procrastinated ? Me too . The perfect time to quit is now . We will always have stress in our lives or reasons to procrastinate and put it off so good for you realizing this and taking the steps to quit . Smoking doesn't change life for the better that's for sure, and it doesn't calm stress like I once thought , in fact smoking just adds to the problem emotionally, financially and physically . I know everyone will walk the journey with you . You won't walk alone . Reach out whenever needed , There is always someone who is going through or has gone through similar struggles . It's why quit sites work . So cool two starting this journey !
  25. Hi Kris , I'm glad you are here . Yes it certainly is hard in the beginning but remember getting through the hard days lead to better days . They will pass if you don't smoke . The key is to starve addiction , don't feed it , no matter how hard it gets . Cravings will pass and days will get better . A lot of what's to come is dealing with associations to smoking . Nicotine is out of our system quite quickly . Every season of the year has different associations . Do give yourself patience and time and every day you don't smoke and get through the hard stuff , go to bed grateful because you've earned this wonderful freedom you are about to receive. Tips .. oranges help with cravings or lemons ; even holding a glass of cold water or a cup of hot tea in your hand and having it available to sip on can help . Hang in there , you can do this . If you need help , go to SOS as well , or come to the non smoking lounge , play some of the games there . It's great distraction and it will help you through and we can get to know you better . Congrats on making one of the the best decisions of your life.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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