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Everything posted by Sunnyside

  1. Congratulations Boo!!!!
  2. Some may not like his prehistoric idea's but I embrace them ;)
  3. Some may not like his prehistoric idea's but I embrace them ;)
  4. Uber then ;)
  5. Sunnyside

    chicks or sticks

  6. https://youtu.be/z16vhtjWKL0
  7. https://youtu.be/z16vhtjWKL0
  8. Sharonsiff?
  9. Sunnyside

    chicks or sticks

  10. Hello and welcome to QT. Just remember NOPE Not One Puff Ever and you will be fine. Soak in the information on here and understand how this addiction works. Congratulations on your quit so far, take it one day at a time :)
  11. Happy birthday ;)
  12. Absolutely!!!^^^^^^ Don't wait. You have no idea how much better you will be for it :)
  13. Nice to see you and to hear you more positive xxx
  14. I hope that one day you see your life as you should, amazing! Get well soon xxx
  15. Well done :)
  16. Evelyn. Look after yourself xxxx
  17. Love this thread TRACEY!!! It makes me feel all christmasy :) Stunning trees Nancy and Frez-Flops :)
  18. Tree put up ;)
  19. ^^^^^ I'm not in touch with my inner junkie thoughts. My point is Evelyn has been quit, smoke for awhile now. Relapsing all that time can knock your confidence. This maybe unpopular to say but I don`t see her being serious about this. I know life is hard, but we all know it is excuses. Sarge. I'm telling her to have a break. That's all.
  20. I happen to agree with Tiffany. You aren't doing yourself any favours by going around and around in circles. Your heart doesn't really seem in it. You seem to be putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. We all know smoking is bad. We all know there is no better time than the present to quit. But unless you can be fully committed to your quit there is no point. Get yourself strong and ready to quit again and we will be here to help xxx
  21. Keep going Evelyn and eventually you will come out the other side. Smoke and you go through this again and again. This is the one. Shout, scream, SOS all the time on here. Just get through this :)
  22. Hi Crush, Big congratulations for cutting down so quickly. Now in your own time how about jumping that gap completely and letting go of those last cigarettes. I promise we will catch you when you do and if you stick by us we will all hold out a helping hand.
  23. We all chose to smoke and stick to it. When you first started it never became easy to you. You had to work to make it feel natural. You had to work to become a full time smoker. All the discomfort of coughing, head spinning, feeling sick didn't stop you from carrying on. Going around and around with the constant cravings never stop you. Now years of conditioning later you have now decided the you want to quit. Now it's about pay the price for the choices that you made because you smoked or pay an even bigger price later on for not going through this now. It sounds harsh and brutal but this is completely true! Which price do you want to pay? You had to retrained your brain and body to smoke. Now put that same effort into retraining yourself to stop. You can do it. Just put the same effort in. Just as it got easier in time to smoke and it became natural,a part of you and you could never see the end. IF you stop you will get to the point that you will look at smokers and it won't look natural or right to you. Further along it does get easier. Life becomes normal again. Remember it's your choice. It always has been.
  24. Awesome Stewie!!!!
  25. I don't really think anything of it now. They do their thing, I'm happy doing mine ;) Stewie you will get there. Just keep going forward.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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