Hi kendranz - nice to meet you, and congratulations on your quit!
There are a few others here who quit when you did, like Wendy. There are also a few quit a week or so before you, so hoping that they can offer their assistance, too ;)
With regards to craves - they really do only get better over time! When you see your friend, I would suggest a few things, just to keep your sanity! I would ask you friend to not try to encourage you to smoke; quitting is hard enough without that, and you don;t need to make it even harder with someone offering you one every 5 minutes... tell them that you are serious about quitting, and they will hopefully respect your decision, and not smoke right in front of you all the time. If they don't, just excuse yourself while they smoke - not smoking is number 1 priority this weekend, because it could save your life... don't worry about looking like a party-pooper, because it really doesn't matter. Remember that there is no such thing a 'just 1'... if you smoke 1, you will most probably go back to smoking a pack a day, and have to start your quit from scratch (if you even can start again). Try to watch your friend - when they do have that smoke, do they look like they enjoyed it? Did it seem to do anything positive to relieve their withdrawal, or are they already thinking about when they will have the next one?! What is the point of smoking?!
You really can have a great time without smoking - my drinking sessions are so much more fun than they used to be, because I don't have to keep grabbing my coat, going outside to be miserable, and coming back to find out that I missed everything!
If you think that drinking is going to be an issue and lower your resolve not to smoke, then don't drink... your quit is the most important thing reight now, and you need to protect it!
And please, post here as often as you want! Either update this thread, start new ones, or there is a section called the SOS Board - please post here in an emergency, and wait for at least 3 responses before doing something you will regret! We will all be here for you, and we want to see you succeed! You can do this!