No such thing as a silly question! ;)
I'm not sure where 'the thirst' ones from, buying am assuming that it is some kind of dehydration due to some of the chemicals in cigarettes - remember that the tobacco companies want to make it as difficult as possible to quit, so throw a load of junk in the smokes to make you feel this way while in withdrawal. I chewed a ton of gum when I first quit (and I means TON, lol).
Tell your mom when you feel comfortable. Tell your friends when you feel comfortable. I didn't tell anyone right in the beginning, because I hadn't really realised that I had quit (I was in bed with a bad case if the flu). By 2 weeks, I was shouting it from the rooftops to anyone who would listen, lol. If you get a smoker friend who says 'quitting in easy, overdone it a thousand times'... Tell them that doesn't make sense, as they are still a smoker, so none of their quits were successful. Of you need to not be around them for a while, then that's fine too. Smoker share to loose other smokers, so don't expect a great reception, and be prepared for the sarky comments that will follow. Just be proud of yourself, and remember that they don't get to smoke, they HAVE to smoke! And if they really piss you off... Come here and tell us, and we can all have a good old moan about them!!
Of you feel safe enough to drive, you should be OK. Saying that, I did knock my wing mirror off in a car park during one of these foggy incidents, lol...
Buying stuff? I buy stiff all the time now, lol. The biggest things I bought were a new computer, and a great piece of art - whenever I look at them it reminds me how great it is to NOT smoke! I also take my wife out for at least one meal every weekend, so she's happy too, lol.
Hmmm.. What else... Oh, weight?! Don't worry about that too much now. I'm the same weight as when I started. Look at Marti, Nancy, frez, Colleen, Sarah, DD, Gemzee, Pip... These are all people (that I know of) that are slimmer than when they were smoking! There are probably others, too, but I don't get too involved with the ladies weight here, lol (sorry if I forgot some people, but you all need to make more of a big deal about it, lol)
And friends? I'm your friend. Not sure if I've added you or not, but will do it now. I tend to forget to use that section, because it's quite a small community at the moment, it's quite easy to keep track of everyone ;)
You are doing just GREAT!!!!