I´m calmer now. Kittens and kitty miaows do have a calming effect on me :tender: . Oh, well...
Let me see if I can come up with the visual: when I´m starting to really consider going to the shop, I start...like... unwillingly, visualising myself actually getting up, opening the front door and walking down to the shop. My heart starts racing. I start feeling a sort of... the word is "anticipation", really. I can´t think of any similar experience because there is nothing so awful that can compare with it.
Then I can see, as in "see" with my eyes, this disgusting smelly monster growing next to me, happy, rubbing its hands, eyes bulging, salivating in anticipation (yep, same word again). And then the fight starts. I want to please myself, but I do not want to please the monster. I want to f**k that monster. The monster would be celebrating, mega-happy, laughing (wroahahahaha) at me, blowing raspberries at me and farting in my face as soon as I light that one cigarette. And I don´t want to give him that satisfaction.
So I stop where I am, paralised and confused. After a while the feeling will go. But the monster is there waiting for the next chance. And so I hope.
So I hope because the fact that I can "see" the repulsiveness of the addiction I´m less likely to actually fall for it. But believe me when these episodes happen they are not pleasant in the slightest. I can talk about it now it is over, but in the middle of it I am a wreck. I´m blinded. I can´t even think straight. If I´m weak... bang! Quit ruined.
Told you there would be nonsense... and yes, I have a very vivid imagination... mind games...