Tiff, you know I´m not an advocate of "tough love" when it is applied to somebody who has thrown themselves off a cliff and are at the bottom hurting and complaining and feeling like idiots.
But you sound like you are on top of the cliff and considering giving it a try. So you´ll have to listen to some hard truths.
First, a fact that nobody has highlighted but I think it is paramount to keep in mind here: cancer hits smokers. Passive smokers, active smokers, 60-a-day smokers and ocassional smokers. Smoking causes cancer. Just 1 cigarette (ONE) has enough chemicals to cause cancer. Smoking kills. Full stop.
level 1.- Some people never quit until smoking kills them , and they die with a cigarette in their lips (whether they are social smokers, after-dinner smokers or chain smokers). Usually cancer is the killer, because by the time it shows its ugly face it is usually too late.
level 2.- Then there are the other side-effects of smoking: COPD, heart disease, vascular disease (lots of smokers end up losing limbs) etc. etc. Caught early these diseases are usually curable or can be tamed into a chronic conditions that make life difficult but not necessarily kill. Those who have a predisposition to these problems should not smoke. Nobody should smoke, but even moreso those who KNOW FOR A FACT that if they smoke they will 100% die of smoking. It is a no brainer.
level 3.- Then, lastly, we can debate about addiction. Addiction per se doesn´t harm or kill. Like in that program, so favoured by myself "My strange addiction", we see people addicted to the weirdest things (sunbeds, shopping, gambling, cosmetic surgery, shagging their car, sleeping with their hair dryer on...). The problem with addiction is that you lose control of your life to your addiction. You can´t have a normal life because your addiction gets in the way. Addiction makes people miserable. It may not kill them, but it makes them miserable.
Here we are ALL ADDICTS. But some of us are addicts who are at level 3 (miserable but apparently healthy), some of us are level-2 addicts (miserable and unhealthy), and some are level-1 addicts (miserable, unhealthy, and in actual risk of death).
Where would you put yourself? At what level? And don´t tell me you don´t feel miserable because if you were a happy smoking bunny you will not be posting.
We love you. We want you to succeed, but sometimes you are your worst enemy. That junkie brain of yours, who is the Einstein of the junkies, and persistent it is too, my god!
Please read, listen, think, and do not smoke. Post. And do not smoke. If you have to be here posting all week and letting us have a look into that hyper-active monkey of yours, so be it, as long as you give us the tools to help you. We have to get there with you, once and for all.
Smoking can cost an arm and a leg. Please read: