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Everything posted by GypsyButterfly

  1. Thanks, Sonic. I was going to say that's sweet, but, no punching anyone anywhere ;)
  2. -5
  3. The Hunt with John Walsh
  4. Hi, El B. When I say, I only smoked a pack or less a week, I meant it. That's how it was for five years. Every now & then, I'd smoke three or even four cigarettes in a day. Especially with four, I found it was way too much. Two give me a nice buzz. More than that, it's usually overload. It was just an indulgence for me. The reason I'm here is because my voice suddenly became hoarse & would fade in & out. I've been trying not to talk. Which means, I can't do my work in customer service. I haven't been smoking & yesterday my voice was much better. I had a mocha (which I haven't had in ages) & kind of lost my voice again. Apparently, caffeine can have an affect on it. If this continues, I'm going to have to get it looked into.
  5. Hi, BAT. Since I was a casual smoker, maybe it will be like that for me as well.
  6. I really appreciate the encouragement, Jengels :)
  7. Hi, Marti. The lung thing is the only physical sensation. I'll feel anxious sometimes, but, that's due to entirely different situations. I just need to find other stress relievers & indulgences.
  8. Hi, Evelyn. Thanks for the recommendation. I've never had asthma or anything like that. I'm glad yours has gotten better.
  9. It hasn't been easy, to be sure. He & I are best friends. That's what has seen us through & kept us together these past 18 years.
  10. Hi, Sonic. I see you had dropped in on my page. I wanted to take a peek at yours. Hope all is well in your little corner of the world.

  11. You get a fine & are thankful for that, since, some countries don't look kindly on poachers ;) I insert a music box
  12. -3
  13. Hi, B. Lung hunger. That's a good way to describe it. I'll be glad when I don't have an appetite for it anymore.
  14. I understand about psychological & why I would have that while I'm trying to quit. Why would I have it when I could smoke whenever I wanted? There were other reasons to be stressed, but, not about that.
  15. Thanks, Colleen. I hope so. Without that sensation, I probably wouldn't think about it as much.
  16. Hi, Colleen. I see that you had peeked in on my page the other day. I thought I'd drop in on yours. Hope all is well.

  17. Mysteries at the Monument
  18. Thanks, Ava :) I've been using it for 15 years. I consider Gypsies (or Romani) & butterflies to be free spirited, as I am.
  19. Thanks for pointing that out, Babs. At the other forum, there's a little box to post in, right on the page. Now I'm wondering if there's been other forums which had this option & I was looking for the familiar & when not finding it, figured they didn't have that feature.
  20. I can't really describe it. It's in the middle of my chest. All I know is, when I smoked, after a few puffs, it would go away & I'd feel calmer. It's been three days since I smoked & I'm still experiencing it. If it wasn't for that feeling, it would be easier. It's like a reminder & I crave it.
  21. Or am I missing something? When I joined I saw that it was a similar forum software that was used by a site I mod at. The one difference, we're able to leave comments on people's pages there. Under Settings here, it does ask if we want to allow people to leave comments. I checked it. I've been on other people's profiles, but, I don't see that I'm able to add any remarks. Maybe they just don't want anyone to. After I've interacted with someone through the discussions & I feel I want to get better acquainted, I like to be able to leave a little note for them on their page. It seems less intrusive than sending them a pm. We'll exchange those when we decide we want to develop more of a friendship. It would seem, it would be a nice feature to have on a forum like this. I know I'd appreciate messages of support & such. Thanks for considering this (if it isn't already included).
  22. Hi, Kendra. My husband makes me laugh. The past few years have been especially difficult. Health issues for both (though, most are things we've been experiencing for years) & life changing events, including, unstable living situations for awhile. For a time, it was just a matter of survival. Things have improved, a little, but, still far from stable. Frustration, stress & depression are frequent visitors.
  23. Hi, B. It was easy to go a day or two (sometimes longer) without it, when I knew I could smoke as much as I wanted, whenever I wanted. Now that I'm trying to quit, it seems I think about it more.
  24. I recently joined, so, have only read a few discussions & haven't really gotten to know anyone yet. I'm guessing, people were at different levels of smoking before they decided to quit. I've only been smoking five years & smoke a pack or less a week. I hadn't planned on quitting. I was enjoying it as an indulgence, until, my voice went hoarse last Fri & worse, I would start to lose it all together. Nothing gradual, it had suddenly changed. Even if it wasn't from smoking, that certainly wasn't helping it. I suppose, recommendations from those who had smoked for years and/or were hardcore would be useful. I'd also like to hear from those who are a little more similar to me. Thanks.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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