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Everything posted by Jenw1022

  1. Nope!!!
  2. Hey there I'm here...sorry I have been crazy busy with the kids....but I've been reading
  3. NOPE
  4. All decorated here.... NOPE
  5. I forgot one thing I'm 5'3 and 117lbs I have to be realistic.....I have to allow for at least 5 pounds. Smoking and coffee as meal substitutions will keep ya thin
  6. Dear Jen, Congratulations you have now been smoking more of your life than non smoking, yep that's right. However, tomorrow you are taking the control back in your life. You have done it before you can do it again. This time no romancing. Smoking enhances absolutely no aspect of your life. In fact it steals your beauty, your health, your money, and your time. Remember how you felt in the smoking section at Disney world? Yep like an outcast, you were stranded amongst other outcasts as nonsmokers accidentally walked through and glared holding their childrens hands and covering their mouths. Your children didn't have to breathe it in, instead they stood waiting with their father so you could get your nicotine fix. When you were quit remember all that self confidence you had? Remember not being a slave? Remember not having to tell the kids, I'll be there right after I smoke a cigarette. Remember how your 8 yr old was so proud that you had quit? Well get ready because you get all those rewards again! You are about to gain everything, and lose only a controlling friend. So tomorrow when the demon starts talking, remember that it is the demon. Do not rationalize, do not pick fights with your husband as an excuse to get cigarettes, do not say I should have waited until after the holiday. No excuses....NOPE. Love, Jen
  7. Thank you all --man I've missed this place
  8. Hi everyone, I'm new again. Quitting Dec 1st. I have missed all of you! And welcome to other newbies. So happy to see Sandar, Nancy, and action still rocking their quit. Xoxo Jen
  9. Hey everyone, I am sorry I have been mia, I've been hanging out with the demon. I have set a new date of Monday September 1st. I know I can do this bc I did!! This time cold turkey. I know it does nothing for me, no more romancing. I have missed you guys! Xoxo Jen
  10. I did in fact quit may 2nd but had some lapses so I'm being completely honest ...... I've addressed a lot of my triggers it comes down to me never romancing the cigs and I plan on doing so Jen
  11. Hi all I am coming to you from another site. I hope I have a different experience here and Sure I will ;)

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