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Everything posted by Kendra

  1. 2 weeks. YOU ARE FREE you have and are choosing to BE "right here, right now" who and how you desire to BE. thanks you so much for inspiring me. sharing your journey on this board.
  2. WhooHooo! You can have your party drinks and be quit , too. I agree with Petra.... guard up.... not just drinking ...in other potential "used to smoke here" scenarios I am deeply grateful you are finding the wonders of freedom and the Wow's of the smoke filled "living" merry-go-round. Sounds like you prepped yourself to have your guard up with remembering why you chose to be smoke free... glad you still want to be free. well lived P&P! You got this.
  3. days 1- 3 completed. ... doin' it.... thanks Ava and Babs!!!
  4. Congratulations.
  5. Nice free life, Rez. congratulations. Thank you for being seated on the train.
  6. Please tell us how you celebrated your life!! What adventures are you hoping for on your next orbit of the sun? Happy Birthday. I hope your Halloween job was fun right up to the end!
  7. hmmm, turns out sitting up isn't on my ability list currently. modified sit ups can get into plank though. :D day 1 complete ... will repeat day 1 & 2 until we officially begin as a group. Thanks you Ava and Babs.
  8. last of autumn leaves color bouquet picked and displayed after mile walk with cats and marvelous man of mine. beautiful beginning to awesome day with mom I am over 3 months free from active nicotine use.....
  9. nope, nope, n o p e thank you thank you thank you
  10. ...um, okay. the one above is totally doable though. laughing
  11. I'm ready. what do I do? laughing....
  12. hmmm, I can do it, too. except currently I can't get into a plank pose :( ... modify is okay. thanks for bearing with thought process. I am in.
  13. N O P E THANK YOU, thank you, thank you.
  14. :huh: :huh:Hey TEW, ever so grateful you felt more even keeled. .... I am not at all discouraged by your cravings. more like inspired that you'd share the depths of the freak outs. I enjoy, appreciate and consider your perspectives. not sure how long you were enslaved to nicotine and damn near a year likely both a HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF FREEDOM AND CHOICE & a brief respite from past patterns, no? .... thus, in my head, resistance, freak outs, and juxstapositioning of the brain is normal (whatever normal looks like :huh:) ad not be taken as what I really want... just temporary (thanks for the reminder Babs) blips of discomfort to learn from and experience.
  15. Way to go Evelyn. You are crusin on the train. Glad you are feeling proud since it is important to you. I formally acknowledge your awesomeness and cherished quit time. Keep on rockin.
  16. Hi TEW, Celebrate your uniqueness. The push me- pull you in the brain .... I am all ways always amazed at the dichotomy in my own thinking... seems you have similar experiences. I do not pretend to know how you feel.... and I would like to support you in ways that genuinely embrace the wholeness of your experience. What would feel supportive? Your words and journey are of comfort to me on mine. You got this. !!! REALLY...... YOU GOT THIS. hold onto the dream of what you want your LIFE to look like and KEEP LIVING IT FULLY. thanks for posting. please keep doing it.
  17. Nice that you are seeing what it will take to create the free life you are after. Echoing Joe.... why on earth are you keeping a pack around? That is a set up for slavery to nicotine again. You have done it..... quit an addiction that has ruled your life for decades. That is an accomplishment and how you want to be in the world. Treating those we love poorly, meh. Forgiveness.... what a beautiful thing. Being able to drink without a craving? Well, my suggestion would be..... PLAN WHAT YOU WILL DO over the upcoming holiday season of yuletide joy, drinking and partying BEFORE you go. you have seen and shared by your own word.... with each drink your resolve became more of a challenge .... Please don't let alcohol take your quit. Eventually, you will be able to drink without wanting to smoke. Great job at keeping quit. Nice that your other half has quit too.
  18. evelyn, you are incredible. So deeply glad that you tossed that wet pack and remain here & FREE. I am in awe of your posting as you walked through it and have resettled in your non-slave to nicotine life. I believe in you.
  19. Hi and congratulations on your choice to be free from smoking slavery. Well done. Go ahead and re-catagorize yourself as a nonsmoker in your head. YOU ARE FREE FROM SMOKING. NOPE (not one puff ever),just for today. Glad you are: finding your way through the nicoterrorist thoughts in the working wee hours. noticing the physical benefits in your fitness test here and posting I too once believed that I was just going to smoke until the end of my life. Glad to see and say we both seem to have realigned our beliefs with how we actually want to LIVE in this world. Welcome.
  20. awww, Congrats Bakon on the new puppy. Good news, my mom is visiting for a spell and we (mom's inspiration and my watching) are creating window treatments for my house. Lived here 7 months and have lived with the dingy, dated, uncreative (imo) curtains of the previous residents. It'll be so wonderful to have pretty things to look at and think of mom after she goes to the desert for the winter. ....she's kicking my butt at cribbage though....
  21. They are afraid of falling. sheesh. Why are sunrises so incredibly beautiful?
  22. nope
  23. Way to be free RunFree! thanks for all your contributions to this board and congratulations on your smoke free life.
  24. so glad you and Alexa have a safe place to BE together. bizarreness abounds....glad you are seeking support and that people are considering changes of their own that may improve relationships in the future. thanks for posting.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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