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Everything posted by Kendra

  1. THANK YOU EVERYONE...for the warm welcome back. Deeply appreciated.
  2. Okay.... staying on the train. smoke free for 18 or so hours..... taking the Valentine opportunity to show up for myself/Self (ego self/Spiritual self ~ hate play favorites and hoping to stay /be more connected with Spiritual Self for awhile - hence the Capital Letter) in loving ways. grape juice yoga breathing....and again. yummy kale and brussel sprout salad and sushi. (seriously, It's delicious) Also happens to be my marvelous man's birthday, so FUN. TEW - turns out my date is the 13th and I'd still like to be buddies. how does that work?
  3. Whoo Hoo. Living the life you've imagined. Breathe easy.
  4. congratulations.
  5. Hi thanks for the help in advance. Please either: 1. walk me through the steps as you would a kindergartener or 2. do it for me My quit date is 13 february 2016 . 17 a day on last day and $7.00/pack.
  6. NOPE....
  7. um, okay. please stand by while I get further rid of the pack. nico monster alive and well. head games and lying to self. ahhh, geez. seriously.
  8. Hola Folks, I am grateful to be back. Long story short..... life happened ....bought a pack in January.... got rid of it today. Yay! Wanted to get going with what works for me. Will be close to the board ... because that works. Have new computer and hopefully reliable internet connection. Have missed being on the train. Glad to be seated again. More soon.
  9. Kendra

    This or That game

    answer the door in full costume and sound effects! in relationship with children.... support the Santa myth or explain the Santa stories are stories...just like so many other stories?
  10. and get a drink I can find in the dark!! I insert a black cat wearing a Santa hat.
  11. Kendra

    Game *The Food Game*

  12. quitting smoking is not as hard as........ regret, remorse, self loathing, modeling illness creating & coping (vs thriving) behaviors, lying to ourselves & those dear to us continuously
  13. I'm here. So, apparently when you completely fail to use muscles for years on end...they protest when you are relearning how to use them. Ouch... had to talk myself through today's work. seriously ...picture a beached whale trying to head back to open sea....pretty sure that whatever I am doing in the sit up portion of events looks like that. muscles in lower back protest. ... must not be doing crunch or modified crunch effectively as nothing seem to hurt much.... modified the plank though....was able to get into and hold it the first few days and now modify about half to 2/3rd of the time.... the muscles doth protest, yet I am doing it. leg lifts......ouch, ouch on the controlled descent. ha ah ha and am honestly amazed that I am and can do this. :D
  14. I have often thought of the various changes I make as reprogramming or brainwashing.... programmed as a child by every encounter the messages I internalized allowed/afforded a FEARFUL view of all in my scope..... I did what was needed to survive. Ever so deeply grateful of the new view, the FREEDOM , and the hopeful/filled visions ..... thrivival vs. survival P & P - so glad you are feeling a bit proud of your huge accomplishment. Spend no time in the coulda, woulda, shoulda head space.... celebrate the IS & NOW of your freedom from smoking. You chose it, created it and maintain it. :)
  15. yes, yes, and yes.... my own experience as an addict has shown me that my addiction goes ages and measures beyond the drug. there are, for me,: mental~ emotional, social, cognitive, and physical patterns of relationship (to Self, people, drug, and citizen) that also need to change or be acknowledged...... lest I find mySelf , again, enslaved I CHOOSE FREEDOM thankYou ThankYou Thankyou
  16. reliable internet access doing abs challenge got spend time with my mom art
  18. day 6 done. :) and going to walk a mile in the now denuded forest with my kitties. then job interview how's the challenging going for everyone? Bakon, how many donuts you up to?
  19. At this juncture of my quit I am happy to have these thoughts in my head. My EA seems to be referring to the new material most times. :D love it when all parts of me are in harmony.
  20. Evelyn, Celebrate your accomplishments with abandonment and whole hearted joy. I will celebrate with you.
  21. ..day 5 down.... um, what is the vague ache and pain along my torso? laughing... excited and doing it!
  22. Christopher Moore books options changes of season and seasons in full swing Tom Petty, The Traveling Wilbury's, Damn Yankees, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Van Morrison massages and pedicures awesome sex traveling and facilitating at training sessions walking in the woods with my camily (cat family) and marvelous man making up words BEING SMOKE FREE :wub: :P :D

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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