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Everything posted by Kendra

  1. Seven months and rolling onward....through it all...noping... YOU are doing it and FREE. Well done. Thanks for being someone I find an inspiration.
  2. Nope. Nope. Nope.
  3. Congratulations Beth. How's your first 24 hours plus going?
  4. Thank you all for the words, thoughts, resources, suggestions, laughs (nice to laugh at the roller coaster) and encouragement.
  5. ...my dear, you don't smoke! so, lighten up...read something funny, BREATHE - AGAIN , AGIAN, AGAIN and again, again, again nothing could be worth going back to a fear based life filled with all manner of nastiness (self-concept~loathing, smelling of ashtray, brazening out what can't be hidden while judging yourself constantly, and knowing people in positions of authority with power to change your life will act based on their perceptions of smoking~You). YOU GET NOTHIING FROM SMOKING THAT YOU DESIRE IN YOUR LIFE. DO NOT BELIEVE WHATEVER YOUR HEAD IS TELLING YOU. ALL YOU GET FROM SMOKING IS REMORSE, DYING SLOWLY, SELFLOATHING, REGRET, SHAME, DISCOMFORT AND A SENSE OF FAILING ...yourself and everyone you care deeply about. keep breathing... LIFE YOU DESIRE IS happening with FREEDOM.... you have more endurance and walk joyfully and easily with the cats daily.... you have confidence walking into business meetings, trainings - sans smoke scent you are not a slave to addiction YOU ARE FREE you like & enjoy who you are and how you spend your resources (time, attention, intention, money) Thank you, thank you , thank you for BEing and staying FREE. Always all ways, just, darcy* * FYI QT People - darcy is my given name. Kendra is a character in a book ... I admire the book, character and writer, so chose to emulate Kendra here. B) :)
  6. NOPE, nope, NOPE, nope
  7. Hola Folks, Just a bit of rant or vent, or likely, self pity... meh. For a looong while I kept saying I will quit when ____. Usually after some big event had passed or an extra helping of working stress mellowed out. Well, life happens and I DON'T SMOKE. Currently I am deeply unhappy with my emotional ride; my thoughts, words and actions in my life~love relationship; and my decided lack of hope and patience with myself. I have been doing much reading and watching on quit train. I have read Allen Carr's book and am aligning my beliefs with the life I deeply desire living----FREE. Just crying and sad, snapping at my marvelous man, feeling angry and lonely.... so, here I am talking to you. I must prioritize: FUN WRITTEN posted in house lists of: why I quit, what to tell meSelf when I begin rationalizing, romanticizing and justifying getting a pack. It has been 11 days sans cigarettes and a few less without nicotine. So .... Hell week long past. It is my head that gets me into trouble. Love and light to all. So grateful for the support here and reading the many posts, information and laughs you all seem to have together.
  8. nope NOPE n o p e nope when I am :angry: nope when I am :unsure: nope when I am :( nope when I am :o nope when I am :P or ;) or B) just nope nope nope
  9. NOPE...nope, nope, nope
  10. Hi and welcome. I just got here, too. Whew! ..." the future is wide open" -t petty.
  11. Thank you for the warm welcome, suggestions, information and encouragment.
  12. Kendra

    Game *The Food Game*

    summer squash
  13. Learned, ha - using learned liberally here, a dance routine. More like flopped my body around and in the general direction of the dancers. Do think I got a few steps into memory though. Practiced for half an hour. Took a.m. walk with cats and marvelous man of mine. > 1 mile.
  14. nope
  15. This is my first foray into online support. Please bear with me while I figure out what I'm doing. Could be amusing to watch as I am on day 4 or 5 without nicotine and day 9 with out cigarettes and seem to intermittently lose my mind and get lost or stuck in my own mental/emotional drama. Laugh or cry... just flippin' lighten up a bit, eh? This is my fourth, and final (because I DON'T SMOKE), quit in 33 years of smoking. I look forward to getting to know you and the ways & wonders of quit train. Again, Thanks for being here.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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