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Everything posted by Kendra

  1. way to go evelyn! three cheers and a piggie for your smokefree self. So glad you're living the life you desire. thanks for all the support you offer to folks here. nope....
  2. belated birthday wishes Tracey. hope your next orbit of the sun brings more adventure and laughter your way.
  3. thanks everyone! rolling along..... nope.., breathe,.... getting new routines and habits. going on first road trip this weekend as my nonsmoking self..... looking forward to not digging through the console for the pack and the lighter every half an hour, checking the number of smokes in the pack to see if Ineed more ... AND to knowing I am not contributing to headaches for my marvelous man. what will be great on this road trip is.... hands and cameras at the ready for capturing the odd, interesting, beautiful, and silly money saved or applied to mementos of the journey thanks again for the acknowledgement...and Sarge for the stripe! :yahoo:
  4. Good Day GB, Hope you found your way through the jones last night. Remember..... smoking really doesn't relieve stress.....just feeds the nicomonster that gives the illusion of stress relief....until later when it must be fed again. Sucks when the things that usually bring comfort aren't. ((hugs)) Whart did you laugh about last night? Today? real laughter=great stress relief for me. you got this.... stay close please.
  5. nope
  6. glad you're here GypsyButterfly. How's your quit going? What ideas do you have for new ways to relieve stress? I am a big ...breathe, repeat,.... fan myself. cloud watching and breathing....
  7. Today I love that my chest & lungs aren't aching. every breath is calming vs worrying. thank you, thank you, thank you. :hi:
  8. nice digs with a cool view!!! and lots of love from you, Evelyn!!! the ultra expensive condo system looks nifty, too...i like it because it has wheels....
  9. run
  10. one plus... congratulations.
  11. Congratulations on 10 months plus Sonic. and thank you....your humor and postings bring lightness nd celebration.... thank you
  12. nine down and life to go... way to live TEW! breathe easy...
  13. Two!! ((you)) Congratulations.
  14. Five months plus....FREE. Enjoy the new life. congratulations.
  15. Thank you TEW and the many voices of QT. I am merely clearing month one and experienceing similar perceptions, actions/reactions.... I am particulalry fond of EB's words.... "When you get those strong emotional reactions - take a second to enjoy them. I once described it as having lived as a smoker in a world that grimy and sepia - and now suddenly it is glorious technicolour." choices, choices, choices... nope, nope, nope ....
  16. Wow, just saw this. I am teary eyed, literally, that TEW thought to acknowledge and many more shared the sentiment,.....that I'm still here and standing...FREE. Gracias, merci, danke, thanks. Really, I do not think I would have made it without finding this board. MQ and staff /admin crew....(((THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS PLACE HAPPEN!!))) and to all the people who have dedicated and are paying it forward ....THANK YOU!! often as I am going about my day and a crave wave and/or junkie thinking appear...I think about a post I have read, the words I have heard people share with each other for comfort, encouragement , ass kicking, entertainment, laughter ... and think to myself...as soon as I can I will get on the board and read.... more often than I'd like to acknowledge I am getting here and rereading all of the prerespond sos thread ..... i need to post another one to myself...one with heart vs. ego and head. .... hearing what you all have reminded yourselves of helps me get through and not post an sos of my own. ..... one more THANK YOU to TEW and everyone here.
  17. I love not impacting the people I love with second hand smoke. My marvelous man used to get headaches instantly when I'd smoke ....
  18. Thank you Bakon for starting this and all who are contributing. I look forward to the various topics Bakon listed and hearign the ideas and ways of the folks here and how it workd for various people. I have over a month smoke free. :unsure: :D this last week has been the toughest so far for me. Hearing Sarge from a thread saying there don't have to be hellish days, so I just flip it to challenge accepted days. Thus, challegne accepted... now I seek grace and integrity in meeting my challenge, because my attitudes and actions have been less trhan who I desire to BE....living FREE. reading and rereading threads here and watching Joel videos when I have acces to internet. do not wish to be a downer each time I post or to spew my drama and stuggles....seeking safe place to be genuine, authentic about what happens and how I am meeting the challenges. Grateful , grateful, grateful to the people here for their dedication, words, kindness and reaching out. Thanks, it means a lot to see and "hear" peoples words, kindnesses, encouragments and care. Things that have been and contnue to be great FREE from smoking: :) daily schedule not dictated by smoking times :wub: do not reek or taste of smoke when kissing :D lungs aren't aching constantly....breathing feels 'fuller'....calming quicker when deep breathing :) not supporting big tobacco in killing people, not killing myself :P actually demonstrating self care, love, kindness.... choosing to treat myself as I would any other being :) practing and understanding the mindfulness concepts.....watching as feelings change without needing to change them...and holding self with compassion as they flow through. Thank you again Bakon. Can't wait to read more.
  19. Welcome. Glad you are living free today. Lots of awesome rading and people here. side note: Valereally and BAT ,...PLEASE , watch the Incredibles....no capes! I am concerned for your longevity. :lol22:
  20. Tired and unreasoonably (judgement noted) grumpy and irritable. holding self with kindness, encouragement and ....meh. thank for asking. remembering my first week..... the grape juice helped, breathing and again and again.... , clicking continuously on this site reading, learning, getting a sense of who is here and what we can do for each other.... and rereading the funny things, and being grateful for the games I can figure out :P .... glad you are getting through the waves and LIVING smoke FREE.
  21. nope. NOPEnope......nope. nopeing .....
  22. Kendra

    This or That game

    beach resort.... home theatre or cinema experience
  23. victory

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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