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Everything posted by slovenka177

  1. Nope :)
  2. Thanks sooo much everyone! As many have you said hardest month done... Goodbye slavery, hello freedom! Couldn't have done it without you amazing people ♥♥ I know I have been MIA a little, I am still posting NOPE every day. I run my own business and we are in the midst of moving locations - I will be more active on threads, once we are done here :) Thank you for the continued support! We have Oktoberfest here where I live, so I will definitely be doing some celebrating today :) I wish everyone a happy and fun filled (smoke-less) weekend! Breathing in that cool fall air, never felt so good! Blessed Be S
  3. Nope and Happy Friday :)
  4. Makes perfect sense, and offers relief knowing those yucky thoughts are going to disappear. I like the "we don't do that any more" mantra! And I am settled to know that I am not the only one who went through it - I was beginning to think there is something wrong with me lol. Thanks so much Marti :) ♥
  5. Hey Guys! I am here, it was a hectic weekend I do apologize - lots of family and food :)!! I was actually just about to post regarding the one month mark. Once I saw this thread I smiled. :) Thanks for thinking of me ♥♥♥ I am not sure about any one else, but I am finding it getting a little bit harder. Not saying I would ever ever put that vile disgusting thing in my mouth, but the emotions are a little intense lately. I was so eager and brave at the beginning but just lately felt a little insecure about myself. I almost feel like I am starting to see the person I truly am - without the cloud of smoke around me. How did you guys find it further and further into your quit? Will it ever go away? Blessed be S
  6. Nope for today
  7. A little late but I didn't forget! (We had Canadian Thanksgiving) Huge congratulations, so happy for you :)
  8. Nope!!!! :)
  9. Nope :) hope everyone is enjoying their weekend
  10. NOPE :)
  11. Enzymes are what helps our body break down (sugar, carbs, lactose, protein etc) If anything they will help with lactose intolerance. Consult with your local health food store but they are definitely worth a shot :)
  12. NOPE! And good job Evelyn :)
  13. I feel like the first few days is sort of a tug of war between "Yay I quit" and feeling strong and prepared with some moments of junkie thinking and self doubt. ALL temporary seeing as once you climb the hill you question how you could even think like that to begin with. My experience was very uplifting and powerful (coming from a ex relapser). As uplifting as it was it was still a struggle at times, the things that helped me with my first few days were; staying close to the board, read, re-read material until you can't read any more (everyone here knows what you are going through and that support really made a world of a difference) Allen Carr Material - relate it to yourself as much as you can (find examples of what you used to do) Drink lots of water (3L + a day) Journalling - made a one week journal and wrote everything from smoking problems to work issues. A questioning obsession with gum (it is slowly disappearing) I vowed to pledge NOPE for 365 days - and then some, but made a commitment to myself - this made me feel apart of something bigger than my smoking I ignored other people (more so close friends) who claim to quit but never follow through - their problem not mine (smokers like to feed off one another) Lots of exercise (which I did before but have more energy now) remembered to only tackle one day at a time :) Yikes, feel like I rambled :). Hope this helps! Blessed be
  14. NOPE! :D
  15. Ahh! This just made this day even better! Your guys are such wonderful people! Thank you thank you thank you! :) ♥♥♥ It is because of the kind words that helps each day get better and better! Three weeks ago I was hopeless, today I am unstoppable! :)
  16. Hi Wendy, try digestive enzyes or probiotics to tune in your tummy to a normal state. You are doing amazing, I can relate to you on many levels and understand your pain. I am in my first few weeks of quitting. The enzymes should help. Can pick them up at a natural health food store. Blessed be! S
  17. Here :)... Lots of baking happenin for Canadian thanksgiving - still noping everyday!!
  18. Nope :) surpassing week 3 wooo!!
  19. Nope :)
  20. Nope
  21. Happy Friday everyone... A big fat NOPE!!
  22. NOPE not a chance - just passed two week mark! Woo :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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