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Everything posted by slovenka177

  1. NOPE! :)
  2. Thanks everyone! I am so late to this.... it means the world though. I know I have been MIA - but I am still smoke free and havent forgotten about any one! bb ♥
  3. After a month of Silence - STILL NOPE
  4. Hi my beautiful non smokers. I have been missing as of late. But that doesn't mean I amonth not here in spirit. Couldn't have got here without each of you. It's been a journey to say the least. Thank you to you all :) <3 Blessed be! S
  5. A big late NOPE :)
  6. Here :) been a stupid busy month, but NOPE everyday! First of many smoke free holidays :)
  7. Congrats :)
  8. HAPPY FRIDAY beautiful non smokers♥!
  9. Gah I have been lacking! NOPE!!
  10. NOPE :) :)
  11. NOOOPE :)
  12. Yea you are right. It just reinforces the quit! :) Glad to hear they go away :) So scary! You feel like it is reality. Thanks, hug to you too. Hope they go away for the both of us :)
  13. It is such a great reminder Colleen. I thought, if a dream is the only consequence I am coming out of my addiction I am blessed. Could have been worse I guess. Just sucks we have to suffer in our dreams. I finally got my sleep pattern back to normal :)
  14. So very true Marti! It is the biggest journey. And good point - Humans are instinctual to do exactly what we are told not to do. So maybe our brain is using some reverse psychology by reminding us of the habit but of course we would never do it. Thankfully they are only dreams, I am already feeling better. But wow, how crazy is the hold it has on you in your dream land. Blessed Be
  15. DF, that is a great way of looking at it. I didn't even think of that! :) So desperate!
  16. As if we need a reminder of the horrible thing it was lol. Lets hope they disappear!
  17. Thanks Bat! Yeah, I think because this one dream felt so real that I just need to learn to shake them off like you said!
  18. I know there was a thread for this somewhere. Last night I had the worst smoking dream ever. I dreamt that I lost my quit completely and in my dream I didn't care. I was actually happy in my dream. Ahhhhhhhhhhh - I woke up so sad and depressed that my brain even went to that dark place. It made me think I am weak and a failure. When really I didn't do anything. I just want the dreams to stop. :(
  19. Happy Thanksgiving to all the wonderful non-smoking Americans! Oh and Nope!! :)
  20. In Canada they ran a study which linked smoking to 20% to many forms of cancer... This was a great reminder of why I do not smoke. Plus I rather not freeze my tushie off outside and smell gross. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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