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Everything posted by Sirius

  1. A bit too clingy for my tastes.
  2. New & Improved Circulation!
  3. JB, Glad you quit with no strings attached. I, unfortunately, transferred a bit of my smoking addiction to a carb fixation. I've since gotten better but my inner drill sergeant monitors what I put near my mouth. https://drillseargentdietbook.wordpress.com/
  4. Sirius

    chicks or sticks

  5. Smoking does have benefits. It helps with weight control. Provides some protection against Parkinson's disease Lowers risk of knee replacement surgery Simplifies retirement planning. Provides additional tax funding to government. Reduces Social Security impacts on society as a whole.
  6. Gifford Pinchot national forest. Basically the areas between Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Adams. Located in Washington. Great time to hike. The nights are cold and it's knocking back the bug population.
  7. Skipping work. Got better things to do. A little 5.8 mile hike with lunch on the mountain. ?
  8. Sazerac is too kind. MwBenson, I used the patch for something like two or three months tapering off via step 1, step 2, and step 3. Here's the thing. The patch allows you to break your habit of smoking cigarettes but you still have to eventually confront your addiction to nicotine. When you do get around to ending the use of the patch you will feel like you are missing something but your not certain what that is. It can be a real head spinner but its survivable and it did work for me.
  9. Next time a craving plunks down on your face ask yourself, "What price are you willing to pay to own yourself?"
  10. Beat me to it. Not that it ever happened to me...that I'll ever admit...ever.
  11. Damn, I wonder how many butts I picked up during police call during my years in the military. Probably not a million but more then just a few.
  12. It's all about attitude and visualization. My first days smoke free were about as much fun as being stuck in a tumble dryer with a Shoggoth but gradually (and I do mean graaaaaaadddduuuuaaaaally) my mental imagery became more of a Skittles and Rainbows landscape (mind the unicorn). I believe directing one's attitudes can speed up the process. There is no future in smoking. Ultimately it's a blind alley and an endpoint. Not smoking won't make things perfect, but it does remove an obstruction that allows you to reach a much greater potential.
  13. Walked 4.67 miles today. Walker's gotta walk.
  14. There will be moments of relief but the beginning is usually rough. For me I had to stay focused on why I wanted to quit. The very reasons repeated like a mantra. That, and when it got intense I'd chomp on a jalapeno pepper and chew it slow for maximum impact. When the cravings became less intense I switched to cinnamon sticks.
  15. I found the "recovery" to be full of subtleties. I could breath a bit easier so I might walk a little further. More exercise could mean deeper sleep. Mixed in with all this was the usual good days and bad days that mask any semblance of progress. Its only when I looked back that I realize, yeah, it does get better. Way to go Jetblack.
  16. 29K give or take. The fire can have it.
  17. Pink Floyd's Brain Damage/Eclipse is fairly well know. It came out in 1973. Which was 45 years ago.... Think that through. Calvin Coolidge's presidency is closer to 1973 then we are today to 1973. George the V was King and Stanley was PM. TV hadn't been invented yet. Anyhow, it was a cool tune for 1973.
  18. You should just leave it to grandmasters...
  19. I have yet to watch a single episode of this series. Ironically, I received seasons 1-7 bluray as a gift. Any idea how many seasons this is supposed to run?
  20. Doreensfree, I appreciate the updates, It aids my resolve. Can't say that's much of a consolation...my thanks.
  21. Yup, I still get them. My feelings about them are as ambivalent as they are polar.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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