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Everything posted by SanDar

  1. Good Morning and NOPE for me!
  2. Welcome! Sounds like you've got this quit going strong :)
  3. Sandy-Stop right here. You know damn well you do not want to smoke. So what if you are feeling sappy, we already know smoking doesn't help that shit. It makes it worse! Remember your relapse? How you hated yourself? Remember how awful it was working up the courage to quit again? Remember what the dr said about your health if you continued to smoke? Remember those sad stories of people suffering from copd? Remember how wonderful it felt to be able to breathe deep again? You may not be so lucky next time - that cig you are romancing could be the one to kill you. Suck it up, post an sos, message or call someone. Just do not smoke for ANY reason. Smoking is the biggest lie ever. You get absolutely nothing but the next craving for another. Vicious circle. Don't put yourself through it again.
  4. SanDar

    Week 1

    Thanks Marti!
  5. Thank you Anna! I love getting kudos from someone with a long time quit - wow, almost 2 years!
  6. So glad you had a good day! We all need those to keep us going :) Bring on the good days!
  7. SanDar

    Week 1

    All done with hell week. And well, it really wasn't as hellish as I thought it would be. Fairly easy actually, well maybe not "easy peasy" but definitely doable! First couple days were kinda blah. I found keeping busy was helpful. The huge thing though is realizing I'm not giving up or sacrificing anything at all. In fact, the total opposite is true - I'm receiving so much! The health benefits appearing this early are real motivators. I can do this, I am doing this! :)
  8. It has to be my forever quit - because I'm not doing this again. :)
  9. Thank you! I'm convinced changing my attitude made the difference :)
  10. You are creeping up on your first week as well!
  11. Congrats! :)
  12. I've been smoke-free for 7 days now. It feels wonderful! I'm noticing some of the benefits already: Wheezing - almost gone No coughing Shortness of breath - gone Cramps in my feet (due to circulation issues) gone! (this is a biggie for me) I smell like my lotion or perfume - not stale cig smoke Way more energy - Yippee! More time to spend with my family instead of wasting time on those nasty things! This past week has been amazingly easy! Oh, the first couple days were slow. Although I wasn't a raving lunatic looking for a cig . I just do not want to smoke! I really think attitude is everything. It has made all the difference for me. And a really big help is being able to come to this QT board for support from some of the best people around! Anyone lurking and thinking about quitting - jump on in! It's just not that hard :)
  13. I had to walk past the smokers outside at work yesterday, and ewww...stinky! Did it make me crave a cig? No way, that smell was enough to make me almost vomit! My sleep patterns are messed up right now too. I keep waking up during the night. But I imagine that will all work out in time. We are doing it! Living the smoke-free life :)
  14. Glad to hear that. You're doing great! And I can honestly say no, it isn't that hard.
  15. Thankfully I haven't had a smoking dream yet. Plenty of very vivid Chantix dreams though.
  16. Congratulations :)
  17. Thanks, and how are you doing?
  18. Thanks Doreen! Almost finished with the first week :)
  19. Still going strong. I think I've rewarded myself with a few too many sweets these past few days though.
  20. Congratulations :)
  21. NOPE I don't want or need to smoke :)
  22. Way to remain smoke free! You are doing great. You're a non smoker! I bet you can't wait for your family to be home and notice.
  23. Congratulations! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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