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Everything posted by SanDar

  1. You are doing great! Love your attitude!
  2. Congratulations on 8 months of Freedom! :)
  3. Congratulations! :)
  4. Congratulations on 1 year of Freedom! :)
  5. Congratulations on your first whole year of freedom! :)
  6. I believe it's the only way Paul. Get too pushy and they resist. Geez sounds like me not so long ago :huh:
  7. It's a NOPE kind of day :)
  8. Congratulations! :)
  9. Congratulations :)
  10. Welcome Sam :) Nice to meet you. Looks like you are doing great!
  11. Welcome back Jen! Glad to see you here :)
  12. It was an awesome trip being smoke-free! We had a couple of cook-outs and I ate entirely too much :blink: The only thing that could have been better was if my husband and my sister were not still smoking. My husband is quitting soon and started Chantix last week. My sis told me that she was going to quit soon too. I hope and pray she does. She quit a few years back, but relapsed after 6 months. I did not get pushy with her or try extremely hard to influence her to quit. But I did let her know how much better I feel now that I’m not smoking. How much my health has improved and the money I have saved etc. She asked some questions about quitting, so I know she was listening ;) My sister has COPD and really needs to give up smoking. So despite being around smokers all weekend, I had a very good time but most of all I remained smoke-free! :D
  13. It was Nopedy Nope Street for me all weekend :)
  14. Always :rolleyes:
  15. Have fun!
  16. We are leaving in the morning to spend the long weekend with my sister and family in South Dakota. It's about a 4 hour drive from here. Packing plenty of snacks and water for the trip. I have everything packed EXCEPT the smokes :) Don't need those anymore! So if you don't hear from me this weekend, have no fear, I intend to remain smoke-free :) Have a great weekend everyone!
  17. My dogs motivate me - they just give me that look :(
  18. I down loaded an app to my phone. It tells me how far I've walked, speed, etc. I use it when I walk the perimeter of the dog park. I was bummed when I found out it's only 1/4 mile perimeter. Guess I'll be making several trips around :)
  19. In tears here :( It hurts to realize that I was once a selfish smoker :(
  20. I say do whatever it takes to save your quit and prevent a relapse. Anything has to be better than the dreaded cig and all those nasty chemicals :(
  21. Congratulations on 6 months of freedom! :)
  22. I will not smoke today - NOPE :)
  23. My non-smoking dogs Paco & Annie
  24. ha ha, that's too cute :)
  25. Oh I hear you Apeezy! I Love being able to take a deeeeep breath! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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