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Everything posted by SanDar

  1. Way to go JC!
  2. Wow! Congratulations on 3 weeks of Freedom :)
  3. You're off to a good start Wendy. I used Chantix when I quit too. Along about the 10th day is when cigarettes became very disgusting to me. I put one out about half way through and never looked back. I feel the Chantix was a big help, especially the first few weeks. Then I relied on my determination to never smoke again. I spent a lot of time here reading and also read Alan Carr's book, again :) Keep Noping. You can do it :)
  4. Good Morning to all my Nope buddies! It's a Nope for me :)
  5. T
  6. Beautiful video! Has me sniffling :(
  7. Happy Birthday :)
  8. Congratulations Nancy !
  9. Congratulations on 10 months of Freedom!
  10. That is exactly what I did :) I was surprised how fast I broke the cigarette with coffee habit. i couldn't believe how good my coffee tasted after quitting :D
  11. Colleen - the orange chicken looks scrumptious :)
  12. We are having, I guess you could call it "Recycled Chili" tonight. Son and Daughter-in-law live just half a block from us. They had chili last night. They bring the leftover pot of chili to us and we are having chili dogs and mac & cheese. I love easy :wub:
  13. And my neighbors wonder why a cop is peeping in my windows. :wacko:
  14. I've done just about everything mentioned above. One thing in particular that I remember was after giving birth to my youngest daughter. They allowed smoking in the "smoking lounge" back then. But I was told not to get out of bed yet. Did I listen? Oh hell no! I got up, walked down to the smoking lounge, smoked a cigarette and on the way back to my room almost fainted. A nurse had to catch me from falling. Determined smoker? Nope - a nicotine addict.
  15. Thanks for this post Chrys!
  16. Way to go Evelyn!
  17. I will gladly join you in this pledge Ross. I too, have seen how folks slip away from the board.y Staying close here and helping when I can strengthens my quit. So much help was given to me (and still is) when I first came here. I intend to pay it forward. I pledge another year here on this board. Besides, I would miss all of you if I stay away too long :)
  18. At a little over 5 months smoke-free, I still have the rare "I should smoke" thought. Rubbish! I quickly realize that no, I don't smoke. And how stupid it would be to even entertain that thought. I don't crave a cigarette. That ship sailed 5 months ago. Just an occasional thought. But as soon as that thought pops into my mind - out it goes, with a swift kick. I'm so glad I don't smoke :)
  19. Welcome :)
  20. Good Morning! A cold, snowy day - but a perfect day to Nope!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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