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Everything posted by Ria

  1. Ria

    chicks or sticks

  2. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Ria

    chicks or sticks

    iT'S THREE!!! You missed the ZERO!!!
  4. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Ria

    chicks or sticks

  6. Tyme2B... we're all different, all weak in some ways, all strong in other ways, what's right for one isn't for another and so on! For ME, I've found just being here, not necessarily adding my bit, but when I feel too much 'empathy' it CAN stimulate my weakness.. if that makes sense? So, I avoid reading SOS's or the relapse posts, for FEAR that I'll get a "good excuse" if I'm already 'down'.... so I'll contribute the "chicks or sticks" or another fun thread, and leave until the next day.... and the NOPE thread, of course! ;) Anyway, that's me... as I said we're all different... don't feel bad, please! I stuffed a longer than a year quit, so we're all on 'borrowed time'... NONE of us should feel 'cocky' or judgemental, or righteous! A day at a time, and for today, right now, it's NOPE for me!!!!
  7. Guess what I'm getting at is "live for today!!!!"... xox
  8. Hey Michelle xox I started thinking that, but my "compensation" was spending it whenever I wanted something!!! it's like a 'reward' every day or each time I see something that I used to think "can't afford it"... now I can! and I DO!! Been quit 17 weeks tomorrrow (had to check my calendar as I forget) but only started "saving" a couple of P days ago... and only $50... it's adding up and I'm still "splashing" on what I WANT!!! for ME, it's what's helped me stay quit with joy!!! Do I still crave? you bet! but it's not for long, and I keep remembering THE MONEY.... THE CIGARETTE MONEY!!! LOL!!! and how it's now MINE!!!!!
  9. Ria

    chicks or sticks

  10. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!! Holy macaroni!!!! where is the time going????
  11. Ria

    chicks or sticks

  12. Ria

    chicks or sticks

  13. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Ria

    chicks or sticks

  15. Ria

    chicks or sticks

  16. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1st day of D.S. here in Oz!!!! clocks don't go back till the 1st weekend in April 2016!
  17. Ria

    chicks or sticks

  18. AHHHHHHHHHHH.....!!! will try that when I've more time... flying out the door again in less than an hour....thanks! xox
  19. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Phenomenon in my pants!
  21. Ria

    chicks or sticks

  22. OH..... MY..... GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! BABS!!! XOX XOX XOX HOW did you do that???? I thought I was SEEING THINGS when I checked back today!!!!! SOOOO grateful! xox xox xox THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! That's my Sissy... she's my darling baby girl, who brightens my day, EVERY day!!! She's an 'ex breeder'...British Shorthair, and IMO = timid, shy, introverted, MINIMAL human contact...!!! (close to abuse IMO) who came to share my life 11 weeks (this Sat) ago!! She got a long way to go before her 'true character/personality' is evident, but she's come SOO far!!! (I should probably start another thread... hehehe!!!) THANKS AGAIN, BABS!!! "eyes don't know how yous done it, but yous done it"!!!!! :wub: :angel: :give_rose:
  23. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! 92 days till 2016! Thought provoking.....
  24. Grrrr... says "sorry, you do not meet the criteria of our terms and conditions" !!?????/ :blink: :wacko: :blink: :unsure: Now I'm sure that's not what I did last time... :(
  25. Ria

    chicks or sticks


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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