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Everything posted by Ria

  1. Ria

    MIA no more

    CPK... the darn site won't let me quote your post in my reply.... but it's SO similar to my thoughts! Starting again after a LONG quit...??? what's will that?? I still bag myself at times... and yes!! recently my Vista lappy died/got sick/crashed/froze whatever, and I've been spending HOURS with some nice chappies online various geek forums... (becoming one myself I suspect) anyway.... after ages and cross eyed, lately I've been craving like mad!! HOW STOOPID am I??? I KNOW it's not the physical... never was with me.... it's ALL mental.... THAT is what gets us back after long quits... as you posted so eloquently, "romance smoking".... isn't that the truth!??? I was a smoker the MAJORITY of my life.... 48+ out of 64 years!!! (on and off, sicknesses, pregnancies etc) It's ODD not smoking.... the annoying thing is, during my quit in 2005, I don't remember EVER craving...!!! Until that 'romantic trigger'.... It's been 2 weeks for this time, and most days I'm as happy as larry, as the saying goes... but every now and then.... :help: Lovely to 'meet' you, NayNay! :)
  2. N.O.P.E!!!! :wink:
  3. Grrrr.... can't copy and paste for some reason! I HATE Windows 8!!!!
  4. Shiite!!!! Am lost for (other) words!! :wacko2:
  5. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
  6. N.O.P.E!!!!
  7. How odd!!!??? I thought I'd quoted Pippa on that last post???....
  8. Welcome Flo! It's different for everyone! and every time we try... for ME, it was convincing myself that I WANT to as they are disgusting! They taste foul... (true?!) The smell foul... (true?!) and COST an arm and a leg... not to mention the alienation of "being a smoker"... SO many times in the past 5 or so years, I stopped.... but this time I've QUIT!!!! This time, I have the "RESOLVE".... and when I think about a cigi with my coffee in the morning, I stand with the cup at the kitchen window rather than sit outside on the balcony as I used to... the great thing is, it's Winter here in South Oz, so no loss! ha! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! for me it's 48 years on and off.... now I've got some "spending money".... thought about saving it, and I will, but for the first couple of weeks, I'm treating myself to little things... like the screen cleaner spray for the TVs... some 2nd DVDs, etc... whatever "floats your boat"... as my darling daughter said the other day about something totally unrelated! lol! YOU CAN DO IT! :wub:
  9. Just had another thought, ... CPK.... and all those who added "stress" (what's that anyway??? isn't life full of it?) Anyway, my lappy, Vista, is temporarily 'stuffed', I'm using a ROOLY old duck, XP, and got a new 1 yesterday 8.1.... (like learning a new language!) After every hour or so of boss-eyed frustration, (I too am an old duck, but busting to learn) I think.... "I'll just have a break on the balcony with a cigi and coffee/tea/whatever"!!! LOL... it's momentary..... but in all my 'prior attempts' after a while, (as much as 3 or 4 days at times) I'd weaken, and drive to buy some.... This time, I'd made up my mind while I STILL HAD a few in a pack, left them for a day or two, then scrunched the pack prior to going out, and haven't looked back!! What's weird for me, is that I'm not following the time... like I have to keep looking at the calendar to remember how many days it's been...??? I'm trying to fool myself into believing I've been "quit" for 10 years.... and all those 'weaknessess' weren't "serious".... but it's not true! I WAS hooked! So.... do I need a shrink????? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. N.O.P.E!!! yeehaww!!!
  11. The 1st one in the morning with my coffee!!!!!! STILL miss that, briefly... going out on to the balc... but now it's ROOLY cold and wintery, there's not as much to miss... if that makes sense? Also, the 'reward' thing after I've been busy or whatever..... But it's getting less and less.... THIS morning, I nearly didn't pour my coffee lol!!! That used to be the FIRST thing I did! (after loo, teeth etc)... LOVE this forum! :P
  12. N.O.P.E!!!!! NO SIREEEEE!!! Have a grand day, everyone!!! :wub:
  13. N.O.P.E!!!! Sorry to be MIA yesterday! My lappy has given up the ghost! this is an old 'bomb' that I'm using after reinstalling windows xp!! (shows how old it is)
  14. Ria


    :( wish I did! Slow as a wet week!
  15. N.O.P.E!!!!!!! YEEHAAA!! have a GREAND day y'all!!! xox
  16. I'd LURVE one of those T-shirts, Meathead!! or is it photoshopped???
  17. NewID :) Your thoughts are almost mirror images (if that's the right term) as mine, at times! But today, I had a revelation!!! We are ALL "mourning".... seriously!!! after YEARS of blowing in and out as a "habit" (because I think we've determined the 'addiction' is more mental than physical, yes?) it takes a bit of "change" to succeed... and DETERMINATION!!! Think of it like any abusive relationship!!! For what ever reason, we throw them out, get on with life for a while, then... we wish, as if by some miracle they're changed, we take them back... try again.... The relationship with fags is the same!!!! We're not going to die without them.... quite the contrary!!!! and all they do is pull us down, mentally, physically and FINANCIALLY! our N.O.P.E pledge says it all!!! and yes! EVERY smoker wishes they didn't!! LOL!!! WE know that, don't we??? YOU CAN DO IT and you WILL!!!! :wub:
  18. N.O.P.E!!!!!! Have a grand day everyone xox
  19. What a GREAT thread, Colleen!!!! :D Mine will be a swinging egg chair for the balcony! Truth be told, I won't HAVE a lot of "spending" money, per se.... I've spent YEARS "robbing Peter to pay Paul"..... in fact, if not for my sister..... *sigh*.... anyway.....After my 1st (true) quit, in 2005, my habits changed, so I only smoked outside and in 'private'..... very few knew! (imagine THAT stress!!?) a couple of my daughters "found out" but I'd lie and say "i've quit again".... I did quit for a few days, weeks..... then bang! (most of you know that scenario) anyway, not intending to change the mood of this amazing thread.... but my CONSTANT REWARD IS.... "Now I'm TRULY financially independent!!!!" :lol:
  20. Aww (((Toni))) xox Like Judi, my sis and I are also close, so can only imagine... :( and yes! Your sister (GRHS) would have been over the moon proud of you!!!! xox xox xox
  21. N.O.P.E!!!!!! I'm 'later' today than usual, been chatting on my 'regular' forum..... nothing to do with smoking, but been there for yonks and most of them are in the UK so will miss them if I linger here... which I tend to! lol!!!!! HAVE A GRAND DAY or night or just time spent alive and FREE!!!! :wub:
  22. Hello Etd! I'm also wondering how you are!?? Other than what previous posters have said, I have only this;.... It's really a mental thing... nicotine affects the brain... but luckily, not as badly as heroine, alcohol etc... as in, the physical "withdrawals", if any, are TRULY minimal in comparision! My best friend has increased her smoking levels to 100 per day at times!!!!? I keep asking her "why do you find the time?"... THAT in itself is another point.... she has no hobbies, interests inside or outside the home, lives alone, so sits all day, (other than when she's in bed) and smokes! (then starts on the Port/Tawny, whatever we call it now) ok... getting to the point.... I tend to 'butterfly' On the 2nd June, I picked her up from hospital day surgery, where she'd had a skin graft on the crown of her head, after 'cancer' removal!.... this is not the 1st time, which was along her forehead/hairline..... but the 1st time for skin grafting, which came from her neck.... The nurse saw her to the car, and off she went.... bearing in mind, my friend had been there since 9.45am that morning, and it was now 6.30pm.... Guess what she wanted???? yep!!! I said "J... you've been without 1 for over 8 hours, it's freezing here, can't you wait till we get home?".... (20 mins maybe...) My God!!! I couldn't believe the face she pulled!!! never seen it before, never want to see it again, and we've been friends a LONG time! Of course, I had to get out of the car, as couldn't leave her outside alone.... and stand with her..... Since I quit the 1st time, in 2005, I've never smoked inside anything... car, house, whatever! (I used to smoke in the shower, but that's another tale... :lol: ) so when I STUPIDLY started again, I smoked only on the balcony.... which is where my friend just about LIVES when she's here!! Anyway.... back to the point.... she was VERY happy! relieved that the op had gone well... etc etc..... Was laughing and making jokes.... as soon as the nurse left, her MENTAL addiction kicked in..... she was physically fine! Even with this huge wound on her head!!! But the poor thing was obviously convinced that she wouldn't "make it home" after all she'd been through, without a smoke 1st... which, I might add, made her feel dizzy!! there were NO PHYSICAL WITHDRAWALS!!!! just mental! she'd even eaten a sandwich they gave her and 2 cups of tea!! I'm wondering if that experience isn't a HUGE reason I pushed to quit when I did!!! I'd "cut down" (hate that expression) to a pack every other day.... i.e. 25 lasted me approx 48 hours... give/take ALL the very BEST ETD!!! I'm SURE you'll be fine!!! xox
  23. Awww (((Tracey))) xox Such an inspirational post!! and yes... "nothing will change"... I remember that from Allen Carr's words... if anything, it would have made you feel worse! IYKWIM? Your strength and resolve are outstanding! Kudos to you, my friend! I can't IMAGINE 'losing' my sister.... :( Remember also that we quitters will "mourn" at times.... losing anything we thought "precious", even an abusive husband, causes us to mourn...
  24. Good Morning or g'day everyone! N.O.P.E! Guess being in Oz gives me the chance to start each day earlier than the rest of the world! LOL!!! :D :rolleyes: :air_kiss: :lol2: (now there's something to keep you thinking!!! :lol22:

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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