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Posts posted by Ria

  1. ALL of the above...


    There are days, Sunny when I don't 'get her' either... and others when I do, I FORGET to nope, or worse, start the post then hit the wrong button LOL!!!


    Not all the topics are interesting to me, but that's what makes us human... uniqueness!!!!


    oh and TIME... some days I'm hardly in front of the lappy, and others I may be here hours!


    "whatever rocks your boat" as they say here... lol!

  2. P&P, it's similar to the 'habit or craving' thread that Tracey started... It's PURE habit!! why we had it, is anyone's guess...

    I don't know about you, but when I exit a shopping centre, the smell of tobacco smoke makes me cringe... NOW I know why they enforced a new law that smokers have to be 25ft from any exit.. airport, shopping centre, whatever!!!

  3. We humans are creatures of habit, we are all unique but as individuals we have our own habitual rituals that may have been engraved of numerous years


    Some wake up and get a shower straight away


    Some may head for the coffee pot or tv remote to watch the news


    Some log onto here or Facebook to see what's been happening overnight


    Some get a drink of water, brush teeth, put on their training shoes and run etc etc the list is endless but I'm sure we all have our own routines and habits


    Smoking was one of those habits that fit somewhere within our daily routines


    I found in the begining of my quit that I wasn't just fighting the nicotine withdrawal but also the habit and it was like a missing piece of the daily puzzle and my brain knew this was missing and I'm convinced it brought on the craves!


    It may not be part of a daily routine either but of something you do on rare occasions but too it had a Habit or ritual, this is especially in evident when you have been quit nicotine for months and months or even years?


    That's why I am totally convinced that it's mind over matter, once the nicotine has left the body


    How did you change your habit?

    What have you incorporated into you routine now you dont smoke anymore?


    They say it takes 21 days of continuously doing something to form a new habit or break an old one do you think that's true?


    Initially I changed my habit by keeping busy with my hands or mind, from exercise, showering, posting here, preparing food and eating loads, housework or walking


    Eventually when it settled down my new habit is food prep for the day, have a good breakfast and then prepare food for the rest of the day it became my new obsession

    I almost totally agree, Tracey!!! xox


    I'd like to know who "they" are... IMO the longer the habit, the longer it takes to break!! But that's just me..... 

    Also, as after a few weeks I was "craving" the hand to mouth/ inhale/exhale SO badly, I dug out my 'puffer'... and it worked!!!

    I don't use IN PLACE OF the cigs, but only when that "craving" drives me nuts... (once or twice a week.. down from every other day) so where's the harm?


    I haven't 'filled' it with 'juice' for.....? can't remember when...

  4. We ALL have 'mood swings'... ...


    What I thought about when I was 'itchy' was... "did I live a stress free life PRIOR to quitting?".... and of course, the answer is NO!!


    Do I have a stress free life now? NO!!! but I'm richer! hehehe

  5. I agree.


    On my one year date I was waiting for someone on this forum to NOTICE and start a thread (for some reason I couldn't figure out how to put my date on the calendar).  But you guys are busy with your own lives and ya'll don't have time to hold my weight or worry about my milestones.


    I realized I had invested too much faith in this forum.  But more to the point: in this pursuit I have craved (and continue to crave) too much outside validation. 


    Through my own resources and inner strength I have made it this far.  I'm immensely grateful for the people who contribute here but it comes down to ME and how I wish to relate to my reality. 





    well said! a point I had in my mind, but couldn't transcribe into words!!!

  6. I disagree... (ducks the rotten eggs and over-ripe tomatoes)


    I believe WE are stronger than we give ourselves credit for!!!! Of COURSE having somewhere to 'vent' and get it all out is a HUGE help, but the determination comes from WITHIN!!!


    This forum isn't with us, 24/7!!! When we're at a party, (not that I frequent those any more) or every time we see a smoking friend... !

    WE do the hard graft then share here in the hope of spreading positivity!!!!


    Those who say "if not for this forum I'd still be smoking" are selling themselves short!! JMO!!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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