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Everything posted by Ria

  1. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!!! woohoo!
  2. Bumble hit the nail on the head!!! You CAME here!! so YOU'VE done it!!!!! We are supports... YOU are the controller! and you DID IT!!!!! Your 1st post sounded JUST like me!!! LOL!! sitting pretty I thought, then BAM! anyway, it only lasted a short while, but hell's bell's the strength was OVERly painful, yes? Like Collen said, each time you're craving, come here and be with 'like minded' people... not lecturers, or cocky ex-smokers, no way!! We're ALL addicts in the same boat! NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!
  3. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE NOPE NOPE!!
  4. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! and NOPE NOPE NOPE!!! hehehehehehe.... Seems like forever that I quit! not even 5 weeks yet lol!!!
  5. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! where is the time going????? :wacko:
  6. I WOULD have quit without y'all... (sorry, but I take FULL responsibility for my quit!) just as if I was to ever 'relapse' I'd have only myself to 'blame'..... BUT being here has "educated" me in SO many ways!! plus, you've all made it somewhat easier, being able to share thoughts and concerns and just "vent" at times!!! PLUS, there are so many other threads NOT about quitting... Cats, friendships, bathrooms (lol!) etc!! It's a lovely place to 'be'.... xox xox xox and I LURVE the "N.O.P.E" daily thread! ;)
  7. DITTO, Babs! all 'medics' actually... other than my "family doctor" whom I've known for 24years!
  8. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE NOPE NOPE! :D :D :D
  9. Hello Sirius... what TEW said!! xox
  10. Hear hear!! In fact, I've been sidetracked these past few days LOL!!! Usually, this would be 1 of the 1st places I'd come....
  11. You and me both, NI!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  12. NOPE NOPE NOPE!! Sorry I've been MIA... xox
  13. (((((((Tracey))))))) xox xox xox My name is Ria and I'm a nicotine addict!
  14. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooops! late today!
  15. ME TOO, CPK!!! I do know all that info, but for some "twisted" reason, I kept kidding myself that "one day I'll just quit,like I did last time".... of course, it took 7+ years... anyway... NO WAY is my sister polite!!! lol... she would be the FIRST to say "you stink of smoke" if I did!! plus my massage therapist! I used to get compliments about my fragrance... (well, still do) but yes! I DID hate the stink on my fingers, which is why I ALWAYS washed my hands with antibacterial gel! My daughter also is VERY anti-smoking!! always has been! and she didn't KNOW when I visited there!! I made ULTRA sure, the smoke blew away from me... I smelt it on me.... because I wouldn't shower after each cigi.... I'M OVER THE MOON THAT I'M A NON-SMOKER NOW!!!! Not just for the money... but because I'm FREE!!!!!! (as well as a LOT richer!) P.S... spent a small fortune on mints, chewies etc!!! so no! my breath NEVER smelt!! believe me!!! Why do you think I feel SOOO FREEEE!!!! I was a closet smoker!!! the worst stress you can EVER imagine... and on top of that, I HATED myself for being so weak, pathetic, and addicted!!! Especially given I'd quit for a LONG time 10 years ago!!...
  16. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!! ha! almost forgot today! derrrr.....
  17. Welcome, Martina! xox There are some AMAZING people here who will help you for SURE!!!! Each of us is different (thank God) so what works for one may not for another... but ONE rule is UNIVERSAL!!!!! N.O.P.E!!!! NOT ONE PUFF EVER!!!! (which reminds me!....... :D )
  18. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS, NANCY!!!!!!!! XOX XOX XOX XOX 2 years!!!! XOX XOX XOX XOX XOX :wub: :give_heart:
  20. Here is another example of how HARD it is for me... or should I say WAS! Physically, I didn't feel in the LEAST BIT 'unhealthy'! No cough, no shortage of breath, just a bit of phlegm now and again, if my friend and I had had a "bash" and smoked excessively the night before... No one ever complained of the smell, as I only smoked outside on the balc... (spent a LOT of time there, I can tell you!) Mentally, I felt like a "cripple"... I knew I shouldn't be but couldn't stop for long.... Only a few knew that I'd started again.... and there WERE times I DID quit, for a few days, a week or two, (never longer), so apart from the FREEDOM of not having to hide it, or worry that someone will 'find out', it's the MONEY that I quit for! I don't NOW, but in the beginning of my Quit, I'd think "if I could afford it, I'd smoke"... which in retrospect, I can see didn't help my resolve... :( and it IS gettting better by the day... "one day at a time".... This is the 1st morning the craving for the 'coffee cigi' didn't "hurt", per se!!! and I'm OVER THE MOON! I want to add, that although I don't post much, EACH and EVERY day since joining this OUTSTANDING group, I've read, liked, and got such inspiration and help from Y'ALL, even when I was busting!!! Knowing I wasn't 'alone'.... reading such similar stories, has helped more than words can describe!! Me either, CPK... but how else do I reply? A very emotional time isn't it Tyme? GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! :wub: so many 'thoughts' muching around...
  21. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE NOPE NOPE !!!
  22. Just wanted to "bump" this and see how you're doing, Tiffany! xox SO much of what you posted are in my thoughts now! and I'm into the 4th week of my quit!!???? Not often, but when they come, they come with a vengeance! ??? Not sure, but IMO, it's worse for those who have experienced 'long quits' and started again... or even lots of smaller quits..? Sort of like "how long will I last this time?".... that NAUGHTY evil little monster at it again! LOL!
  23. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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