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Everything posted by NewIdentity

  1. I'll count six months as my next celebration. :)
  2. I missed this. Congratulations!!
  3. Heartbreaking story, also a very strong message. Thank-You for sharing this story and hoping for continuous healing for you.
  4. Hello! I'm fairly new here but so far the support and information here has been awesome! I think everyone here can relate to what you've described in one form or another. Congratulations on your quit!
  5. Mother Singing Performing Arts Studying to go back to school Math My degree in undecided at the moment (with job follow-up), my kids taken care of, spiritually in a better place, singing regularly. I love the country.
  6. I'm glad you are starting to feel better and things are settling down. Sending positive thoughts!
  7. I take probiotics to help my gut but there is a definite gut/brain connection as far as mental and immune health. I also live on apple cider vinegar, garlic, and only use certain oils to cook with i.e coconut, olive. I use coconut oil and ACV for my skin and it changed it completely. If I get an infection that is mild or a virus I use oregano oil. I take raw whole food organic vitamins made from pure fruits and veggies, and fish oil. I'm a bit of a nut. I destroyed my body through the years and have found ways to naturally restore a balance. Recently however, I had to suck it up and take antibiotics as my lungs and sinuses were too far gone. I'm slowly getting my body back together. :/
  8. ...I can tell you I've been there with quite a few things in conjunction with antidepressants years ago. Depending on the type you are taking at any any given time, if you ever have to wean off there are supplements that can help keep your mind clear and your heart from being too heavy, if they are alright with your doctor... even while beginning a new antidepressant. I wish and hope the best for you!
  9. I just know it when I see it. When I feel it. That's difficult to specify I suppose. :)
  10. Good Luck!! I've recently had to cut all sweets, processed food, dairy, and carbs. I have only cheated slightly with salad dressing every now and again. What I wouldn't give for a huge bowl of parmesan garlic pasta, or a grilled cheese sandwich. I have to get creative with my meat, eggs, and veggies! :P :)
  11. Nope. Bbq day. Nope.
  12. HaHa! Definitely not. Seattle. :)
  13. Wild Guess... GO HAWKS!!! :P
  14. N.o.p.e :)

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