Come on. Really?!? Quitting this time wasn't painful enough? Seriously, think about how GOOD you feel not being a smoker. No more wheezing, no more shit breath, no being embarrassed all the time about how you smell, about strangers looking at you and judging. Do you really want to go back to worrying about a stroke or heart attack all the time?
Did you forget how it sounded when the respiratory therapist was suctioning dad while he was intubated? How the therapist said he could tell dad was a long time smoker even though he's been quit FOR 25 YEARS??? How about when dad couldn't walk fast enough to get to the boat because of his emphysema. His pained, red face and raspy breathing.
Why would you throw in the towel when you've made it so far?? Been through the hardest part? Just remember. If you smoke, it will not be just 1. You. Are. A. Freaking. Addict. And if you smoke, you will not enjoy it because you don't smoke. It will not taste good. You will probably cough. It will feel repulsive. You will not enjoy it!!!
Please don't smoke. PLEASE DONT SMOKE! Love yourself enough for the first time in your life to respect your body. Think about Sydney crying the last time you relapsed.