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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. -15
  2. Cool!
  3. All gone a bit quiet here.. Shaun - have you jumped ship? In case you haven't - some fabulous, informed experience above. Congratulations on being sober - and on quitting smoking. Great decisions.
  4. I too came as a refugee from a place of drama... I came to forums as a place where I could get a laugh, a kick up the ass if required and real life experience of quitting. Now - I repay the kindness that I was shown - in addition to all the above. Leo and Zen - I follow his blog. Some stuff I really get - some other stuff not so much.
  5. -15
  6. Hey Evelyn - you'll be fine. Good to think about it though. Well done you.
  7. Hey Quita! Great to see you here. Welcome
  8. Good work JK Hi Judi - welcome.
  9. -12
  10. It will pass. A good cry is probably a worthwhile thing - lets off some pressure. There will be ups and downs - but the ups are worth it. You are going great NI. Be proud - you are doing a great thing.
  11. Great work Jess. Well done you!
  12. Late as ever... Happy Birthday!
  13. A belated Happy Birthday lassie!
  14. Hot here in Cyprus...
  15. Fantastic work! Well done Gabby. Brilliant achievement. :D
  16. Hey Shaun Tough times. Sorry to hear about them - and I hope that you can work through them. The point is Shaun that smoking has no impact on them. We are all addicts - and couldn't quit because 1. Stress 2. Weather 3. someone else is ill 4. someone else is mean 5. busy at work 6. no work 7. overworked 8. on vacation etc etc etc.... The list goes on for ever. Read up around the forum - we have all been there mate. You want to quit? You can. It is Easy Peasy. I had to tell the Sarge that he was right after a few months...(I think that I am getting over it now ;) )
  17. A tentative Hi back. A full blown noisy 'Atta Girl to you for quitting. You are doing great. B)
  18. Hey Carly. Welcome. The 2 stage plan. 1. Not One Puff Ever...just for today. 2. Return to 1. Put this into action on Monday. :D
  19. Hey JP Good to see you again. You can't change yesterday, but today is yours for the making. Welcome.
  20. You can do this Michelle. Well done jumping back. Three days is excellent work. Welcome Aboard

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