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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Good work Michelle!
  2. He never even calls any more.....
  3. Good Lord. Is that the time? 18 months. Who'd a thunk it? Not one puff ever. Just for today...and before you know it, you are the battle hardened Ancient. Very kind words QB and from you all. Thank you. I'm just following on all the wonderful people that put their arms round me and led me through the toughest days. Some of them are still around you know! Any newbies out there, any ponderers...stopping smoking is the single best thing that I have ever done...just do it. You can, you know.
  4. Congratulations Joe. Beautiful
  5. Holydooly. Welcome aboard - and well done! all of the symptoms you describe are 1. normal 2. all your own doing You really can put yourself on a rollercoaster of emotions agonising about 'the quit'. I know that I did. Bottom line is that you have quit because you know it is what you want. Mission accomplished! Rejoice! Put a smile on your face - and focus on shedding a bit of quitting weight. Go walk a bit. You are doing great - and yes, it does get better and better if you let it.
  6. -14
  7. Wow Sandy. Been away for a wee while - I come back and here you are at one year. Fantastic work! Well done.
  8. -10
  9. Evelyn. Seven months? SEVEN MONTHS? Wow. Seriously. I remember those early starts. This is brilliant. You fought and fought to get here. Brilliant work. Well done!
  10. -3
  11. big fat zero
  12. How goes it this morning?
  13. one
  14. Fantastic news Michelle. Walk in the park!
  15. Nice work RF. Nice work.
  16. Doh! Michelle. The trick is not to smoke. Armed with this new information I am sure that you will be fine. :D Okay...there is nothing wrong with a practice quit. It is a good way to learn where you need to be extra careful/strong etc. NRT? Not my thing - but plenty here who used it with great success. It is YOUR quit and you must do it YOUR way. Only you can succeed and only you can sabotage it. Tomorrow is the first day? Okay then. I feel sorry for you having to ingest that cancerous muck for another day - but hey, you're in charge. Tomorrow is a fantastic day - and each day after gets better as you no longer need to smoke. Go for it!
  17. Hey Kendra. Yep. Life happens. I hope that you can get on top of all the things that are getting on top of you - but I guarantee you, that smoking would not help one tiny bit. You have done an amazing thing quitting. You should be very proud of yourself. Get out there and buy yourself a little reward. After all - you have saved the money by quitting. You are doing great Kendra - just keep going, it really feels better and better....
  18. one
  19. Hey Nixter. We spent a long time teaching ourselves that smoking was our friend. Even though our body kept reporting to us that smoking was bad, we kept replying 'No. It relaxes me' or 'No, I enjoy it'. Then suddenly, one day to the next, we change direction. TEW is right. Every little trigger, even ones you didn't know where there will come up. They do get easier to defeat every day that passes. Don't mope Nixter. Keep reminding yourself that you took on this addiction and kicked its ass. Well done you!
  20. 1
  21. Remember to enjoy it Gemzee!
  22. Use the force Luke.... Oh c'mon, everybody thought it, Luke. It's a con. I smoked anywhere between 1 and 3 packs a day for 30 years. I knew that I enjoyed smoking and could not go without. Utter, utter nonsense. Read Allen Carr. The easyway. Then quit. I don't smoke, and I don't miss them. You will quit Luke. Don't worry. Just make the leap.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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