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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Two years. Fantastic work. Well done. Thank you so much for all that you do.
  2. -2
  3. Incidentally...I only quit for Today. That's how it's done folks. One day at a time. Less scary that way. :-)
  4. -2
  5. Spooky. I just posted on this on Jess' confession thread. "The thrill is gone. It's done. You know that you can quit, so why not start again? I'm young, I may as well enjoy myself...then the day before the smoke that guarantees me an agonising death, I'll stop." Simple right? I threw a quit at 9 months. Not once, but twice. I believe that the real issue was not killing the illusion that I enjoyed smoking. In my heart, I still believed that I would smoke if I knew that there would be no damage. This time, I have truly understood the nature of the con, of the addiction. Laugh at your own mind playing tricks on you TEW. Say it really loud Not One Puff Ever
  6. Hey Jess. 9 months was my thing. Twice I quit for 9 months, twice I started again. Once, I was 'watching the purses' at a Christmas party. I sat there looking at everyone's cigarettes and thought.."why not?" Second time, I pulled into a gas station and bought some cigarettes. Why? Who knows. Looking back, I had not really divorced myself from the smokes. I quit because they were bad for me. I felt that the bad outweighed the good. The problem was that I still believed that there was 'a good'. This quit, the penny dropped. There is no good. There never was. It was all in my head. Keep rockin on Jess. You have got this.
  7. Hey there. Good to see you. All is good in the hood for the Bandit.
  8. -16
  9. Sorry to hear that Jess. A real pain in the arse. But it is not the end of the world. Poke yourself in the eye - learn from it and back on the train. Wanna talk about it?
  10. If you marinade the meat - most of the oil stays in the dish when you move the meat to the pan - you only need a tiny bit to cook it. Then eat it with loads of salads and stuff... Its the rice with chips with baked potato and bread you need look out for! (Or at least it is for me!)
  11. Nice work TEW!
  12. -15
  13. Hey HD. Tough times. You got through those times. You did. You. Sometimes we addicts imbue our addictions with hidden superpowers. They are illusions. It is important to realise that you managed to cope with stress and difficult times DESPITE smoking, not because of it. As a nonsmoker you will actually be able to handles stress better. It's a chemical thing. You are doing brilliantly. You are doing an amazing thing. Take a little moment to pat yourself on the back and smile. Keep going!
  14. Greek stuff. Marinade the meat in lemon juice, pepper, coriander. Put your pork into it for 4 hours or so. Lemon juice starts cooking the meat from the inside, meaning that you can cook a little cooler for a little shorter. Helping to avoid overcooking.natural yoghurt makes a nice marinade too. Afelia, Stifado etc are just stews essentially. Sadly, the secret is VERY good Virgin olive oil. In UK that is an expensive hobby.
  15. Michelle Not One Puff Ever...just for today. Not buying is a victory won. A trigger defeated. This is how it's done. One day at a time. You can do this. Keep it up!
  16. Tickety Boo here... Craves are just waves...you ride 'em out. You are doing great.
  17. Great Bump Nancy You are da boss
  18. You know to expect this - its no biggie. If you ignore it - it just goes away. You are doing well - stick to your guns. NOPE... You can do this Michelle...
  19. Just breathe. sip water. A crave is a sign that you are winning. Just breathe
  20. Very sad. Was a lovely lady by all accounts.
  21. Have a large one for me Porky.
  22. Dirty You THINK you mourn smoking You don't. Your body never wanted to smoke in the first place. Stick with it - you will begin to mourn for the days you smoked when you did not need to. Its all a massive con mate. Always was. Mood swings and stuff - they will pass soon enough. You have been living life in shades of dirty yellow and murky gray. Life is actually in glorious technicolour and you are going to restart experiencing it that way - let the good times roll! You are doing great....
  23. -1
  24. Nice work.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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