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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Great. Vaping as a method to quit - and then discontinue. I'm for that. As the Dog says - the Jury is out on the health impact of vaping - which is the exact replica of the cigarette debates in 70s and 80s.
  2. zero
  3. Been a while since I had any of those - but wow they were vivid! They'll move on. You are doing great!
  4. -1
  5. Amy Only you know the answer to that. My mother Vapes. I feel that she is doing less harm to herself than she would be with cigarettes. As a vaper - I think that she is always closer to relapse than I am - she is still nicotine-dependent for one, and she maintains lots of 'smoking' habits and routines. Do you have a fixed plan for nicotine reduction? Elimination? Stopping? Or is it one step at a time?
  6. Zero
  7. Awwww....sweet. You following my 'other' identity. Loving you in that PVC Captain Sausage....
  8. 10
  9. Hey Amy. You are an addict. I am an addict. No difference. Cold Turkey. NRT. Just different paths. One is no better than the other. Just a preference. What is common to all successful quits is the resolve.
  10. 6
  11. GB. I believe you absolutely. Addiction is an individual thing. Not a competition. I do not think it is easier to quit one a day or 100 a day. I believe that it has been proven to take 72 hours to rid the body of the physical desire to smoke - the mental desire however is the one that seems a little tricky to dislodge - regardless of the volumes involved. For me, the key to quitting, was unlocking the secret of why I smoked. Once I understood that and was honest about it - I quit. Why did you smoke?
  12. 4
  13. Hey Gypsy. Quit. or don't. To paraphrase Allen Carr. If addiction is a prison, you have the key. Just quit. You absolutely can.
  14. Great work! Congratulations
  15. Great work Evelyn. Fantastic stuff.
  16. 2
  17. Nope no workeeee I need to have you on Facebook or your email. If you search for me as stuart@stuartlennon.com - you should find me
  18. Hey Amy! Good to see you back. ;-)
  19. 1
  20. Hey Frez - I have one. Always up for a challenge. How do we connect?
  21. Every single hard core serious long term smoker started as a casual short term smoker. That's kind of how it works. The nature of the addiction I suppose. The only proven consequence of smoking a cigarette is the creation of the desire to smoke another. There are people who, like you, manage to smoke only a little - but I have met many whom have told me that they only smoke a couple a day, while I observe them smoking their fifth. My wife could go days without smoking a cigarette, with no apparent ill effect. She quit about the same time as me. For a while - she would lament not being able to have "just the odd one". I asked - "If you can smoke one a week - then why don't you?" "Oh I couldn't go through those first couple of weeks of quitting again...." B)
  22. No. He's Spartacus.
  23. Number One We wear one glove 'cos it looks cool. Especially with Knickerbockers.

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