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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. What's new Pussycat?
  2. Swift work Ross! Congratulations Marti - Brilliant quit!
  3. Who doesn't need emotional newbies? Welcome Marti! Great to see you here.
  4. need to put me teeth in to say that...
  5. ......Enthusiasm Positive Energy brings Positive Energy It's contagious. Is it only me? But I am sitting here this afternoon.. :D This morning I was.. :angry: So - to Album (and his harem :wub: of lovely mod ladies) THANK YOU!
  6. 3 :ph34r:
  7. "My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness." Dalai Lama
  8. Hey Sharon! Great to see you. Welcome B)
  9. Hi Trish - Welcome. Sorry to hear that you chose to smoke again. I'm not judging you - I think everyone here has relapsed at one time or another. (I have) As you say - you need to be worked out as to why you chose to go back - so that you don't again. There is a fantastic thread from Album about his journey - well worth reading I would say. I found (and find) the Allen Carr books really helpful. Welcome - this is the sticky one!
  10. -9 (in honour of a friend, whom I dearly hope will be along soon) :P
  11. Hey Jimmy - Good to see you!
  12. I am the opposite of a natural runner. However - as my quit grew - I decided that I wanted to enjoy the health benefits, create a distraction and offset some of the weight gain. So - I am in week 2 of a "Couch to 5 kilometres" programme. I have a free app on my phone, a very swish armband thing to hold the the phone - and a pair of running shoes with more colours in them than are in my entire wardrobe (they cost an arm and a leg, have go faster stripes and everything :lol: ) The program starts off with 60 seconds running and 2 minutes walking - repeated 8 times..gradually it increases the running time. The plan being that in 9 weeks I will be running 5k. So - any advice from experienced runners appreciated - and any other learners- join in. If you are thinking about it - my advice would be GO FOR IT....I feel great! :D
  13. Im on the OnlyWay - by Mr Carr. Trying to firm some things up in my stubborn old head!
  14. 10 months is fantastic. Well done Colleen! Congratulations.
  15. RWW - Welcome! Its great to see you here.
  16. Loving the QuitTrain!

    1. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Great to see you Bandito

    2. Jenny


      Me too! So happy to be here!


  17. BonnieJ has 13 months! What a fantastic first celebration! Congratulations!
  18. Hi Bonnie - very pleased to meet you! Congratulations on 13 months. That is brilliant!
  19. Colleen, Colleen....the name rings a bell I'm sure? Welcome. Good to see you ;)
  20. Well Msss Lace - don't mind if I do. Sweet tea and cookies. Who said Polite society was a thing of the past?
  21. That explains the pretty boy good looks... Only kidding! When I played Forwards were big, mean, fat and slow. Backs were fast, pretty and scared. Now everyone is fast,fit and mean - and Argentina are getting better every year. Read the book - and believe it. It is true. If you want a Rugby analogy - if Richie McCaw is running straight at you and you want to put him on his ass, do you a: Think about maybe trying to tackle him, wave your arms in his general direction and hope that he falls over or b: Hit him with full commitment and technique? He may be one of the greatest players of our time, but hit him right and hit him hard and he goes down just like anyone else. Smoking is Richie McCaw. Hit it hard with the right technique and 100% commitment and it goes down. You've got this Juan. Hit it.
  22. Hey Tracey. Upheaval at home is tough, and you are doing absolutely the right thing. Keep reading and educating and posting. When you can't be bothered - remember that I can be bothered and am more than happy to give you a firm size 10 on the derriere :angry: You have a great quit going and have been a real leader for me and others..you just keep on going! :D
  23. Lace - fantastic to see you....and the gingerbread! :wub:
  24. Rez - great to see you here. Look forward to working with you ;)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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