Hi Jacqui.
Congratulations on a fantastic daughter. A daughter who has taught me a thing or two about cracking on.
I'm guessing that she is a chip off the old block.
You are smart enough to understand what smoking can do - hell you know that a lot better than me.
As smokers - we tell ourselves "I need a cigarette", "Oh I could do anything - but not give up my cigarette! It is my only comfort in a cruel world"
We tell ourselves these things because we need to believe them - if they were not true, then we wouldn't need to slowly kill ourselves would we?
Jacqui - just between you and me (don't let the folk on the message board see) it's a doddle.
Yeah there are cravings. Yeah you feel like pulling your hair out sometimes. Yeah for a few days you want to scream.
So - Crave, Pull your hair out, Scream.
In between times you feel fine. After a while, in between times get longer and longer. The tough moments get less tough and come less often.
In fact - you don't feel fine, you feel better than fine. You will start to see and feel little improvements. Hour by hour. Day by day.
You will feel FANTASTIC!
Your little girl will be as proud of you as you are of her. You will cry tears of joy together.
Your grandchildren will be over the moon that granny is going to stick around a while longer. (And doesn't stink of fags)
What will you do when you crave?
Sip water. Suck a straw. Chew toothpicks. Eat sunflower seeds. Play the number game here. Play candy crush. Post here. Write your memoirs.
Do what you want - just DONT SMOKE. 1 minute at a time, 1 hour at a time, 1 day at a time.
I know that you can do this Jacqui.
Come join us. It's fantastic to be free.