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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Great stuff. Enjoy the time. :)
  2. El Bandito


    This is one where I really can offer no help... I have the opposite problem... I can sleep for Britain, the US, Australia.....anytime, anyplace. Trish - maybe do the other leg now?
  3. And its not upside down! :o
  4. Juan! You are not the first person to miss a tackle on Richie. When you miss a tackle, you don't then walk off the pitch. You get up and get back in the game. Heads up. Life gets on your nerves. This will happen whether you smoke or not. Your addiction will tell you anything to get you to smoke. It will try to sidestep you saying "smoke it will relax you". It will try to sidestep you saying "smoke it will help you think". These sidesteps are lies. If I tried to sidestep you, you would watch to see which way I was going to go and BOOM hit me anyway. This is how you beat the junkie lie sidesteps that your addiction will try.
  5. Me five! goodnight US folks...Morning all Brits!
  6. Wow. sounds like a great holiday. Have a fantastic time. I find flying so much easier not having to power smoke at the door to the airport!
  7. Congratulations! One year is brilliant. Well done.
  8. Evelyn, sorry to hear you had to break for the border. What is it they say about HALT...hungry, angry, lonely or tired? I don't understand NRT too well, but if that is what working, perhaps that is the way to fight it?
  9. Hey Rachael, great to see you here.
  10. Christa! Why the long face? Boom boom tish.... I'll get my coat.....
  11. Hey Julie...lovely post.
  12. Comrade! Welcome! Great to see you here.
  13. Hi Tommy!
  14. I wanted to control what I did with my time, my health...my life.
  15. It's a NOPE from me.
  16. Looking at the Nope Pledge Threads. Monday. 2 replies Tuesday. 14 replies. Wednesday (at 2100 BST) 29 replies... Enthusiasm breeds Enthusiasm...... :D
  17. No wonder you are grumpy...cup of tea and a cake luv.
  18. Well in that case, you are absolutely spot on... Know your Enemy Sun Tzu. The Art of War.
  19. Bakon. I let you out of my sight for a couple of days..... Wear a skirt. Much less dirtbag issues. Love to Mrs B.
  20. Arghhhhhhh...the speed, the pace...it's all too much. Names change, avatars change, then change back again....that's it, I'm off for a lie down again......
  21. Hi Christa. Good to see you here.
  22. Best driver. Lots of experience!

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