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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Sunglasses I have.... If only I could find some sun :(
  2. It is important I think. Most Never Smokers forget within days that you have quit. Smokers don't want to think about you at all. You know what is taking, and discovering new tastes, allowing guilty pleasures (the non fatal kind) is, for me part of the reward and reinforcement. Thanks for the reminder! I'm going to go out and get some fresh flowers for La Bandita!
  3. Hey Smile everyone. Getting through the bad days is much more important than the good ones. You are doing great! Trish, MQ - have a Fantastic Day!
  4. Islanders waking up...
  5. morning everyone! NOPE for me...just for today!
  6. 9 months. congratulations! thank you for all you do!
  7. Don't know his work, but 50 is very young. RIP
  8. 6 monts is great work. Congratulations!
  9. Night all! Take it easy.

    1. Trish



  10. You get fed I insert a football
  11. To the button
  12. Ha! I can't imagine what my Dad would have done if I had thrown a carton away.
  13. I might just use this one for everyone!
  14. Smoking at 5? Now that was advanced! Scary. Which came first? Walking or driving? ;)
  15. Borrowed from the mighty Big Yin Men cannot hold in a fart. Just impossible. Women can. Women cannot keep a secret. (They just love to share too much) Men can. Tho morale of this story is... If you want a woman to keep a secret........ Whisper it up her arse....
  16. PUblic Safety Announcement Please DO NOT try this alone (I have images of cats starving to death all over the US)
  17. Scary thing is I actually did it... Think we need to get out more? I will be back monthly though ;)
  18. It's cold
  19. 50 seconds Now that will be really useful when....... Umm..... When.......
  20. You are completely mad! On behalf of islanders everywhere I hereby bestow upon you the title 'nutter' Now stand by...
  21. In the
  22. Even a month ago, I would have read this post, and replied something like, "yes"...but not believed it. Smoking was not on my mind every second, but it was certainly there every day. Now, almost imperceptibly, time has crept on. No longer do I have my first coffee of the day and remember that I used to smoke. No longer does every meal trigger the thought of a cigarette. The memories are still fresh for me, but they are definitely memories. And they are not constant. So now Markus, I reply "yes"...and I believe you... I look forward to being where you are...Great Post. Thanks.
  23. Lots of my co workers smoke. I am just stunned when young girls who clearly pay such attention to their appearance and their grooming, seem to 'miss' that they smell like an ashtray... The power of an addiction...

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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