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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Just a man in a skirt, Evelyn ;)
  2. Keep Breathing E.... Nice slow breaths... These cravings have come to try to trip you up. They are prodding away at your sore spots. Thats what they do... But we know this. Because we know this we can beat them. We beat them with the help of God, with knowledge and simple exercises.. When they want to make us anxious - we relax When they want us to breathe fast, we breathe slow... A crave is just a crave...we can beat it... DEEEEEEEP Breaths.....
  3. Nice prayer E. Ok - so you feel anxious. So - what we need to do is find things that calm. First thing is breathing. We want Slow, deep breaths. In, 2, 3 Out 2, 3 You really want to feel your lungs filling right up with beautiful clean air and then slowly let them empty... Keep doing this. It will slow your heart rate down. Focus your mind on your breathing....relax.
  4. Incidentally - I think you probably are Superwoman.... :P
  5. Of course she is scared Marti! for her - more than most she knows the consequences... Keep her talking, talking isn't scary... She can be as cranky as she wants with me....what does she want to know?
  6. Fantastic - Getting it out is great. Every crave that you beat down makes you stronger. Keep drinking water and breathing deep. you are doing this Evelyn - you really are. Fantastic work. A huge HUG to you
  7. Having a cry is good. It relieves tension. We all get tense from time to time. The Bible tells us to put our faith in the Lord. Do that Evelyn. Talk to God. Shout if you want! Just don't smoke!
  8. Smoking will only make things WORSE. Not better - but WORSE. You - despite all of the attacks, have thrown off the chains. You have thrown those cigarettes away. That is AMAZING! You will not throw that away now.
  9. I know your Mum going hurt. You know from your faith that sometimes we cannot understand these things. We must put our faith in God. God knows better.
  10. Evelyn. don't be lonely - Im here.
  11. One month is a big one! Congratulations - well done you!
  12. Raining cats and dogs - but NOT SMOKING!

  13. 364 days? Marti - you Muppet! :o Glad you posted it though - Ever Vigilant might be my new motto!
  14. 5 months is fantastic. Congratulations to both of you!
  15. Marti? Mum starts today? Thread please! Also - you stay close to the board Sweets - your quit remains you number one - you got that?
  16. I am infantile... But - this makes me laugh... Borrowed from the mighty Big Yin Men cannot hold in a fart. Just impossible. Women can. Women cannot keep a secret. (They just love to share too much) Men can. Tho morale of this story is... If you want a woman to keep a secret........ Whisper it up her arse.... jajasue and bakon like this
  17. Click Manage Blogs. Then click on Create Blog Then do as you are told!
  18. Ahh..so this is a Quit smoking forum and a quit smoking message board where I can get support in quitting smoking, as in giving up cigarettes? I see. Quittrain you say?
  19. Hey Soozie! Good afternoon to you in sunny Perth...from rainy England! Fantastic advice from Marti above. I'm sure you are desperate for Hubby to quit - and if he is anything like me, the last thing that will work is trying to force him to! (We are pig-headed - we get lessons while you are having the 'always get your way in the end' lessons at school) I'm sure that it must be a real challenge when he is knocking around puffing away. I was lucky in that we did not smoke at home anyway - so I just stopped stepping outside under the carport. I started my quit on holiday. The original plan was to get a headstart with the 11 hour flight. As the holiday wore on though, I decided to quit with a couple of days to go. This was because I thought - "may as well deal with hardest bits first". So - in the morning, after breakfast, La Bandita and I went up to the coffee bar terrace for our espresso and cigarette. Except I did not have one. (As recompense - I got 'the arched eyebrow' from La Bandita.) Then we went to the pool - lazed about, swam - all the usual holiday stuff. Just - I didn't smoke. (I kept catching La Bandita watching me out of the corner of her eye) Swimming helped distract me. The day wore on - and after dinner, we sat on the terrace, La Bandita contentedly puffing away, me contentedly not puffing away - with some Brits that we had met earlier in the holiday (mostly puffing away). Probably a coincidence - but I was sure that the cocktail tasted better to me. Eventually - La Bandita gushed at these people "its amazing - he hasn't smoked all day! he is making it look so easy" What I am trying to say - is that hubby is probably bursting with pride at your quit. He will be made of sterner stuff than La Bandita - but believe me, he is watching. Brilliant work yesterday. Prepare for some more challenges, but I know that you can do this.
  20. Help giving up smoking, help stopping smoking, help quitting smoking. This is the place to come. Support in quitting smoking, support in giving up smoking and support in quitting smoking. These things are important and available here. Does quitting smoking get easier? When will I not want to smoke anymore? I have stopped smoking, how do I stay stopped. Are their forums for quitting smoking? What about message boards for quitting smoking. Can I get support anywhere for quitting smoking? Yes - you can. Read to the Quittrain blog - get on the Quit train!
  21. Doreen Fantastic work! Congratulations! And the Reds are top.. And you have a wee kitten on the way! Brilliant. B)
  22. Congratulations Donna! 1 month is a brilliant achievement.
  23. It surely does count Evelyn! Fantastic work. Well done you. Congratulations. Keep going - one day at a time
  24. With the Sun (ish!) Usually between 6 and 7. The hound and I like to be out early for the morning walk!
  25. Wet and Rainy day in England!

    1. action


      Lovely isn't it :)

    2. sharonsiff


      Mind you....at least no ice, frost or snow. I'm just grateful for that. Quite mild here in Essex, t shirt on (indoors of course) is it mild your end?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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