Hey Soozie! Good afternoon to you in sunny Perth...from rainy England!
Fantastic advice from Marti above. I'm sure you are desperate for Hubby to quit - and if he is anything like me, the last thing that will work is trying to force him to! (We are pig-headed - we get lessons while you are having the 'always get your way in the end' lessons at school)
I'm sure that it must be a real challenge when he is knocking around puffing away.
I was lucky in that we did not smoke at home anyway - so I just stopped stepping outside under the carport.
I started my quit on holiday. The original plan was to get a headstart with the 11 hour flight. As the holiday wore on though, I decided to quit with a couple of days to go. This was because I thought - "may as well deal with hardest bits first".
So - in the morning, after breakfast, La Bandita and I went up to the coffee bar terrace for our espresso and cigarette. Except I did not have one. (As recompense - I got 'the arched eyebrow' from La Bandita.)
Then we went to the pool - lazed about, swam - all the usual holiday stuff. Just - I didn't smoke. (I kept catching La Bandita watching me out of the corner of her eye) Swimming helped distract me.
The day wore on - and after dinner, we sat on the terrace, La Bandita contentedly puffing away, me contentedly not puffing away - with some Brits that we had met earlier in the holiday (mostly puffing away). Probably a coincidence - but I was sure that the cocktail tasted better to me.
Eventually - La Bandita gushed at these people "its amazing - he hasn't smoked all day! he is making it look so easy"
What I am trying to say - is that hubby is probably bursting with pride at your quit. He will be made of sterner stuff than La Bandita - but believe me, he is watching.
Brilliant work yesterday. Prepare for some more challenges, but I know that you can do this.