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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Don't be fooled. I am Nero - sidekick of El Bandito...I can tickle you to death...
  2. TPAM eats no meat
  3. Petra - Fantastic. 9 months is brilliant! Congratulations!
  4. 17 Good morning to you too...Ricotta Ball madam?
  5. lose his legendary
  6. which basically
  7. TPAM is upside-down
  8. origin of
  9. Im with you Action.. Sliced banana with sliced pepper for breakfast this morning....'orrible Guess I should have read the whole thread ;)
  10. Just missing the DWI Key on the computer keyboard. DWI = Deal With It I need a button like that!
  11. Ooooops! In my defence - I had just woken up!
  12. Poor beggars! They awake on quit day - check into their thread and find a team of foreigners (and RWW) waiting for them!
  13. Go Soozie! She will have him building a castle by the end of the week....
  14. Hey Dors! another Upsidedowner! Welcome - great to see you here.
  15. Nice work Marti... Thanks for the update!
  16. I almost spilled my morning Sherry! Good lord...processed cheese. Perish the thought.
  17. Soory to hear that...must be home time soon! It is - And someone that I really admired from another place has just joined - he has not posted yet, but he is here...Very pleased!
  18. Hey Babs - pass me that good cigarette would you... Oh wait? To have that ONE - I need to take the other 900 per month? Ummm Thanks - but no thanks. They taste like crap anyway. Not One Puff Ever Fantastic thread ;)
  19. All good Soooz?
  20. Tiffany, I do not think that your friend is trying to undermine you on purpose. As Babs said - she is scared, I think. My guess is that like you - she fears that your precious time together, your gentle timeouts together are under threat. They are not. Those times and her friendship are important to you. It might be worth telling her that. Secondly - she possibly thinks "Here we go, miserable Tiffany for a while, then she will smoke. Why doesn't she accept that she likes smoking and stop putting herself through it?" She maybe believes that giving you a cigarette will save you the misery. I would suggest that this second one feels genuine, but it actually driven by a deep fear.... "What if you quit? What if you quit and smiled while doing it? What if you quit and still sat on the porch chewing the fat, not smoking, but still smiling?" Panic sets in - "My God - that means that smoking is giving Tiffany nothing! Does that mean it is giving me nothing? Oh my God!" Tiffany - I might be wrong. I might be making this up. I am, after all, a fat guy in a skirt. But: I might be right. Smoking gives you nothing. You are giving nothing up. Read the book slowly - and think about it. There is absolutely nothing that you do now smoking, that you can't do as a non smoker. You will just enjoy them more as a non smoker. And (whisper it) your friend will follow you to freedom... Go for it Tiffany - you won a massive victory. The physical addiction is almost dead now - as you have worked out - you need to deal with the head thing!
  21. Fat man in skirt, resident rocket surgeon on patrol....
  22. Juan! There you are. Sorry I missed you, I was snoring the house down. Great sidestep. Into Day 3 you go. Great work.
  23. Tiffany.. Wow. Fantastic work from you! A big test passed, and passed with a touch of class too. Really impressed. Keep on going!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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