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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. LOL - you may be onto something there! Saturday (after Golf obviously :) ) this Bandit is getting stuck into his garden in 'old' England
  2. Thanks! And a belated Happy Birthday! And and - well done for getting through the rough patch. You rock!
  3. Really? I must be a lucky Bandit - I don't get those feelings. I guess that it is very individual - and that the key is when something changes. If you are normally very positive and bouncy - and then find yourself exhausted for no obvious reason - not once - but frequently, then I guess you might want to investigate whether something has caused that to happen. Whether its a disease or not - I could not comment (too thick) but definitely worth looking into I'd say. As I say - I'm really lucky - and just bounce along. Essentially, I think that I may have been a Cocker Spaniel in a previous life! :D
  4. Congratulations Craig - I hope you are here somewhere!
  5. Trish - Tiff has a point! Ok - I think planning is in order. Highest risk time is going to be when there is drink around. Where is that going to be? Out or at home? Is home a smoking place - or a non smoking place? I guess the question is - are you going to be in an environment where everyone is merrily smoking away, or will they need to go out to smoke?
  6. OK Evelyn - if the NRT is best for you then that is what you should do. Much better than smoking!
  7. Available for all as per instruction
  8. Thats great Amy - saving money already!
  9. Good Work 'I' - rocking it!
  10. Hey - screw the name! You are doing it - and that my friend - is what counts! Keep some juice handy for the blood sugars ;)
  11. Work away Amy! You are doing great.
  12. Iamdoingit (honestly that is so difficult to type!) Right attitude. Quitting is a simple process undertaken by complicated people. Wow - I might write that down somewhere! B)
  13. Nice! I'm still doing the intervals - run, walk, run etc...but building up. Is Run for Life an internet thing - or local to you? Shoes - I get they need to be good - but why do they need to glow in the dark? :wacko:
  14. No worries - Still semis and finals to come..Toulon is like Real Madrid - Galacticos from all over the world. They have Habana on the bench!!
  15. As is obvious from the profile pic - when I feel empty - I eat. :wacko: Sharon - are you sure it is not the thought of a One Direction concert that is getting you down? :P La B is Peri-Meno wotsit....which just sounds horrible - neither one thing nor the other. She gets down, she get so anxious (sometimes she won't have a shower unless I'm in the house in case she falls) Doc has put her on HRT - on the basis that if she feels a bit better - then it is not a mental health thing. If she doesn't - then they explore the mental health aspect. She is clearly slightly wrong in the head - she married me :o
  16. Hey Juan - Day 3 is cool. Did you see the Heineken Cup semis over there? Some serious Rugby!
  17. TPAM restores furniture
  18. Good words. Millions of others manage - guess we can too!
  19. Hey Amy - ticker is looking good. All sorts of methods - if NRT is what you want to do - great. It is your quit. Let's get rid of the cigarettes...the gum we can worry about some other time!
  20. That's the way Amy - breathe...little sips of water. Great work!
  21. Almost is OK Well done fighting it. Tell us about it?
  22. Yeah Colleen! 1

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