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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Fantastic work Amy!
  2. Hey Tiff - Good vent! No doubt - this can be a pain in the arse. Lets not go through it again... Keep on keeping on - you are not a failure - you are succeeding.
  3. Hi Evelyn - I hope that you are feeling better now. Have been out from 0700 to 2230 today. A long day - so, sorry I missed. Posting is great - that is what the board is for. Your quit it your quit - if you thing the patches or the gum is the way to go - then great. I know that you have some other meds - and you need to make sure that your Docs know what you are taking and are happy with that - I am not qualified to comment on that. You are doing great - I know that it is tough sometimes, but you are tough too. Every battle won gets you closer. Great work today!
  4. -17
  5. RUN! RUN!
  6. Beware the Cat People :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  7. For the record...Im absolutely fine. No cold here. Move along now ladies....pleeeeeeeese!
  8. Welcome Paula. Good to see you here
  9. 2 - Good morning!
  10. Little moments - I have always believed that it is those little moments....or looooong moment in this case that we look back on. Great post Rain!
  11. Rain - fantastic to see you here. Welcome!
  12. Morning All! Its a big fat NOPE from me... FORE!
  13. Sleeping for Britain...and the Quittrain!

  14. American men I would have thought generally
  15. Come aboard! What is the worst that could happen? We have all been where you guys are...should I? Shouldn't I? What if I fail? Log on, say Hi. Then let's talk about it!
  16. Great work Amy! Well done you.
  17. Sharon Sorry, just can't do the brackets....
  18. Hmm... After reading all of this, I am more convinced it is a One Direction issue...
  19. I think it is a masculine nostril thing. I HATE those candles. Peel some oranges and put the peel in a bowl, I will sniff appreciatively. Fresh flowers the same. Light an orange candle or a flowery candle and I'll throw it out of a window. They all smell poisonous to me. La Bandita gives me the look, thumps me if necessary and lights another candle....
  20. Just a guess...bit of verbal beats the hell out of spluttering smoker?
  21. Whoa! Still 3 non smokers is fantastic! Scented candles? Not my bag, but 3 non smokers? That is cool.
  22. Ok, so inside is your haven. Mostly, have a great time. All smokers expect ex smokers to be clenching their fists, gazing longingly at cigarettes. Seeing an ex smoker happy can be a bit thought provoking for them! They smoke because they are addicted and think they can't stop. They want to be where you are. Have fun, and if you need a couple of minutes to gather your thoughts, just take those minutes inside. You got this. Enjoy having them visit!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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