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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Both you Guys are doing brilliantly - keep on going!
  2. Fantastic work Amy - winning victories! You are doing great!
  3. That's some day! :D Working on Glitter mortars, artillery and airstrikes! Congratulations Aine!
  4. Great post Rachael. The anticipation was SO much worse...
  5. Wow. Sounds like quite a scary time - but it is great to see how one person's experience shared is helping reassure another member. Clever these places aren't they? :D I'm glad you both sound so positive - and so firm in your quits.
  6. Jonny and Sue - so sorry to hear of your losses. It is true - while the possibility exists - it is, well a possibility. For me it doesn't. I nicked (and probably misquote) the Allen Carr line - I might as well stick a cigarette in my ear and light it... Still get triggers, and need to be on guard sometimes - but smoke a cigarette? Why on God's green Earth would I want to do that?
  7. Hey Cigarette! - You were trying to kill me. Good Bye - Good riddance.
  8. Keep keeping' on Juan!
  9. 5 Morning SJ
  10. Which probably means Action has posted 5,000 Likes! :P
  11. Marti. Already? What a star - done with style, done with class. Brilliant work (and min congrats for Hubby and Mum too... ;) )
  12. 2
  13. Good news - Congrats to MQ and the team! :)
  14. Hey Caroljo. Welcome Aboard the Quittrain. Not an e-cig / NRT quitter myself - but every quitter and every quit is unique. Do it your way. There are lots of good resources here - that will help you understand nicotine addiction. Once you understand it - you can beat it. Congratulations on making the decision to quit!
  15. Congratulations! Well done Evelyn. Great work
  16. TGIF from me! NOPE Sooooooooooz - You rock!
  17. Juan. When I quit. I wrote down what I thought I liked about smoking. Not what everybody was telling me, ie nothing, but what I really believed. Then I looked at each point, read what others said and decided for myself... So, I like smoking. Really? or, as posted above, did I train myself to believe that I liked smoking? I don't mind getting sick. Really? I spent some time learning about COPD.. money? no problem. ha! I'm Scottish! Be very honest with yourself, work through each point. Find YOUR answer.. There is only one!
  18. 9 months! Fantastic! Congratulations!
  19. To the Course again - Fore!!

    1. BAT


      LET THE BIG DOG EAT !!!!

    2. action


      stop teasing us :(

  20. -17
  21. Great idea Evelyn!
  22. Great work Holski! Congratulations!
  23. Welcome Aboard!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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