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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. 7
  2. the Prince fart
  3. Tomato Baseball or Football
  4. hmmm...drifting towards a couple of off the shelf pairs first to see how I get on... Devastatingly sensible La Bandita at times.... (Also a very dashing blue monocle available online :ph34r: )
  5. Hey KS. Look forward to hearing your news!
  6. 7
  7. 7 do my best Jo
  8. 15
  9. 5
  10. Sooz - Rez just started a thread about his serial quitting. Perhaps he can help unlock the secrets?
  11. Rez - you and Soozie need to talk! She was looking for a serial quitter. Im going to post in her thread pointing her at you!
  12. Should have had the Grandkids first ;)
  13. 3
  14. You are right. It will pass. Sip some juice - check out you tube then go to bed! tomorrow is another day
  15. 3
  16. 12
  17. 2
  18. How you finding the book Amy?
  19. 19
  20. 18
  21. 16
  22. I kinda of agree - and kinda don't... Take what you need - and consider the rest...would be my variation Depending on where you are, what you are feeling - different things might ring true. However - sometimes I read a post that at first glance doesn't work for me or just seems wrong..and I think about it. Somebody posted it for a reason - and sometimes it is only through kicking that idea around that I 'get it'
  23. Where have I gone wrong? I have managed to get women interested, interested in getting me INTO pants... So near yet so far...... :angry:
  24. Had so many...but none officially. I found you guys in week 3 of my quit... But I have been so lucky to have a bunch of 'relationships' - with great people... Upflair, onefluffyleg, Anna, Porky, Big T, Emma, Lostnorthernlass, Bucksonebyone, Handsomebeast, Upsidedown, Cokkiecook, Ninja, Aussie soapchick and so many others - I have used synonyms to deliberately keep things muddy...because I truly feel a connection to everyone here.
  25. 16

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